Mind Dynamics (eBook)

Mind Dynamics (eBook)

Newman Thomas
Newman Thomas
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Lingua: en
Editore: Thomas Newman
Codice EAN: 9798396894594
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Mind Dynamics (Understanding the Place of the Mind in Destiny Fulfillment) Book 1 in Series of Mind Power and Wisdom for wealth You cannot make the world better than it is unless you maximize the potentials of your mind. Many are out there looking for fulfillment but have lost sight of the abilities, specialties and potentials of their mind. Without a sound mind you will not actualize your purpose on earth. When the power of your mind is harnessed you have unlimited possibilities for positive personal progress. It is without doubt that you are neurologically wired for success. Your mind when given the attention needed will help you experience an unprecedented personal growth and improve the world around you. It is important to understand that you are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a house called body. To have a balanced life however, you must have wisdom to empower your spirit to subdue spiritual kingdoms, mind for creativity so you can create momentum and body to be dutiful. It has been my observation that when bodily strength does not yield to the dictates of a creative mind, waste of energy and life will not be avoided. The mind is given to man to control the physical environment. It is given you by the creator for you to function to the maximum in the physical world. When a spiritually sensitive man partners his spiritual strength with a creative mind, the mandate to rule, be fruitful, multiply and take dominion on earth is sure.{ Genesis 1:28} Mind management should be the priority of every potential millionaire. The mind of a man is a vital tool for the realization of his God given purpose on earth. I wrote this book with the purpose of unveiling the rich resources of the mind for a worthwhile living. You will realize the place of the mind as you journey to fulfill your duty on earth. Harness the power of your subconscious mind. Tap into your creativity Understand the power of visualization and to develop a prosperity conscious mind. I want you to understand that there is no force outside there that is stronger than the power within you. There are three dimensional duties of a man: The duty of appropriation, formation and donation. You must in your life understand that you have to take what God has to offer (appropriation), do something with what God offers (formation) and give out of your increase (donation). Without an empowered mind, the duties of man will lie in the realms of possibilities. Whatever life pattern you choose for yourself, being it, Financial abundance Spiritual enlightenment Vigorous health You can actualize using the power of your mind. It does not matter what you define as success your mind can find it for you. When you define what success is to you, you achieve it with your mind tools. You have to think it before you can take it. I guarantee you wisdom to maximize the potentials of your mind for a worthwhile living. Be inspired.