The Path for the Ultimate Quest. Spiritual practices and teachings of the greatest masters (eBook)

The Path for the Ultimate Quest. Spiritual practices and teachings of the greatest masters (eBook)

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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Hermelinda
Codice EAN: 9798224916696
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Who you really are? What is the truth about life? Why does a human being, at some point in his life, realize that science, religion and academic philosophies cannot give him the answers he seeks? Scientific knowledge reveals its inability to provide real answers to the great mysteries of birth and death. Why should you start a spiritual journey? Different spiritual traditions have given us the keys and the methods to find these answers: the hermetic-alchemical tradition, the tradition of Shamanism and the Indian yogic tradition (Raja Yoga, Kriya yoga and Advaita Vedanta), and the Tibetan Buddhism tradition. All the exercises proposed, although belonging to different traditions and schools, are linked to the same modalities and objectives, in a unique and coherent path. Spiritual Tradition is One, although it has taken on different forms over the ages and in different geographical places. The researcher, who has become a disciple, will find the most hidden secrets not only of humanity but of the entire universe in the depths of his being. Behind the scenes of ordinary existence, there is the ineffable unknown, and during his journey of knowledge, the disciple will receive sudden and unexpected revelations of this mystery, about a force that governs all that exists, and which constitutes all beings, as luminous source of regenerating energy. As he proceeds along this path, he will understand how to get in touch with this force, drawing on it and using it in his consciousness. The spiritual path is like the science, in which the fundamental data is experience, as well as experimentation as a test bench. You will choose the path and practices most suitable for you, building your own personal way. Going forward with this research, you will gradually discover that your true being has a supersensitive nature and origin, and that in your depths lives something precious that can give you real harmony, security, inner firmness against the many obstacles of existence. You will then find out, that all the external masters are there to show you that the true master is within you.