Buon Natale, My Wicked Rogue: A Steamy Regency Romance (eBook)

Buon Natale, My Wicked Rogue: A Steamy Regency Romance (eBook)

Alleyn Natalie Widows Wicked 
Alleyn Natalie Widows Wicked 
€ 2,99
Disponibile dal 15/10/2024
€ 2,99
Disponibile dal 15/10/2024


Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Natalie Alleyn
Codice EAN: 9798224801770
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Her sinfully seductive rogue is not what he seems. An Italian-born widow of a wealthy American industrialist, Angela Berry finds the English winter too cold to bear alone. Through a chance encounter, she meets a dowager countess who invites her to a most enticing Christmas house party. "I know a deliciously sensual man who can keep you warm on these long nights. You will know him immediately by his uniquely gorgeous green eyes." Serving the best interests of one's country can be challenging. Being the beautiful American's lover should be an effortless pleasure. But if Evan, the Earl of Ashington, is not careful, he could fall for the warm, giving, incredibly sensual woman in his arms over the holiday season. And if that happened, he might forget that he was sent to spy on this foreign industrialist's widow. Angela finds what she expects: a charming, experienced lover. She is surprised that he is also a duke's heir and feels a little shy out of her league. But he charms her and takes her to heights of passion she had never allowed herself to dream could exist. A joyous holiday fling ensues. Yet, occasionally, she catches glimpses of a self-disciplined, more empathetic man beneath his glib persona. A man she could easily love. But she knows a duke's heir would never marry the widow of an American commoner. Especially when he shows no sign that he views her as anything but a short-term bedmate. All too soon, Christmas is over. Not willing to risk further emotional entanglement, Angela plans a return to America. However, when her late husband's mysterious past catches up to her, she finds that her noble, carefree lover has suddenly become a resourceful, powerful protector at her side. But as time goes by, yet again, Angela sees glimpses that he may not be as he appears to be. Alone in a foreign land, she can only rely on the intuition of her heart to navigate the darkening days ahead. Will a growing bond of trust and hope light their way to a shared life of love? Or will the force of the inexorable past destroy their trust and any chance at happiness? Hot & Steamy, Emotional Regency Romance - Novel Length Christmas Romance This story can be read as a standalone, Historical Romance with an HEA. But if you love reading about single widows looking to mingle with some of Regency England's most desirable scoundrels, rakes and rogues, please check out the other Wicked Widows' League stories!