The Residence Of The Masks - screenplay (eBook)

The Residence Of The Masks - screenplay (eBook)

Dianna Diverno
Dianna Diverno
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Dianna Diverno
Codice EAN: 9798223772811
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Daisy is a beautiful and young mask saleswoman who works at a store called The Residence Of The Masks. Her boss is Master Ricardo who makes the most beautiful Venetian masks in the world. This woman was visited by the beautiful Advisor Minard Moretto to order a special mask of harlequin Talio for the Count di Gladisy for his engagement to Princess Antonella. There is sympathy between Daisy and Advisor Moretto. By mistake one worker Ramgotha mask of the harlequin ends up in the hands of the Count de Trimasy. The mask was deliberately replaced by two evil masks, Quamberdy and the clown John, so to be the engagement. The Count de Trimasy mistakenly took the package and went to his home in another part of the state. Daisy is panicked, reports for this omission Advisor Moretto, and then with the two of them they embark on a search for the mask of the harlequin Talio. Somehow they manage to reach the other end of the state, but the owner of that mask, the Count de Triamsy, doesn't just want to return it to its rightful owners. He asks Daisy to keep him company for three days to seduce her, takes her for a walk, to the peacock garden, to the ball, and asks that she give him a treadmill of 105 kisses. Advisor Moretto, who likes Daisy a lot, shows signs of jealousy. At the zoo, however, they manage to take the Talio mask and flee Trimasy and return just before the big proposal ball that is being talked about everywhere. Otherwise, all the masks in the store are enchanted and can fly, talk and sing mostly in the evening when there are no people in the store. And at the very end the Count di Gledisy proposes Princess Antonella and they become the new rulers in that kingdom, and the Advisor Moretto and the beautiful Daisy show love for each other. Two evil masks clown John and Quamberdy end up in Trimasy in the hands of the evil Count de Trimasy.