Ichimoku Trading: How To Profit From Its Unfair Advantages (eBook)

Ichimoku Trading: How To Profit From Its Unfair Advantages (eBook)

Jarrod Sanders
Jarrod Sanders
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Trade Stalker
Codice EAN: 9798223597551
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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An All-In-One Trade System With Unfair Advantages In Financial Trading! Are you looking for a unique trading technique that provides a comprehensive analysis of market behaviors? Have you ever wished for a tool that looks at market performances from multiple angles? We hear a lot about different indicators and techniques in financial trading. Some may opt for technical indicators, others might prefer pure price action, and some might prefer to combine both. A good trading tool or technique should be unique and take as much information as possible into account while keeping things clear enough to apply its signals effectively. Among all the technical tools available in the market, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is considered the most comprehensive one ever invented. Its uniqueness first comes from a long and interesting history as well as a long-time testing process to prove its effectiveness. Originating from Japan decades ago, Ichimoku has become widespread all over the world. Interestingly, despite its simplicity in the calculation formula and use, chances are that you won't discover all its functions and related tactics very soon. It's a challenge but also the pure beauty of the tool. Ichimoku invites us to come and discover a wide variety of techniques cultivated from this powerful system. Below is a glimpse of what you will learn in this book: The origination of Ichimoku, its scarcity, and the spreading of Ichimoku concepts all over the world; The true meaning behind the use of five lines in the Ichimoku toolset; Gold/death cross and how to avoid fake crosses in the market; What are the three fundamental theories within the Ichimoku toolset and how to combine them to look for trade opportunities even without using other tools; What does a consolidation period tell you and how to make the best use of it; The art of trading with gold/death crosses effectively taking multiple factors into account (with the reasons behind explicitly explained); One effective way of making use of retracement trading using an equilibrium price line; A comprehensive trading strategy using the combination of the five lines, theories, and other backbone indicators; Ichimoku provides a unique way of reading the market that you can't see in any other technical indicators. It digs into the fundamentals of price movements with multiple angles of analysis, hence you can benefit from the technique whether you are a newbie or an experienced trader. Its effectiveness has been well-proven and strengthened since its first public introduction in the 1960s. Would you like to add this powerful and timeless trading tool to your trading arsenal? Scroll up and click the Buy button.