The Art of the 5 Minute Anti-Aging Diet: Glowing Clear Skin Diet Anti-Aging Book for Women With Recipe Book to Write in Your Own (eBook)

The Art of the 5 Minute Anti-Aging Diet: Glowing Clear Skin Diet Anti-Aging Book for Women With Recipe Book to Write in Your Own (eBook)

Dr Teo Wan Lin
Dr Teo Wan Lin
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: TWL Medical Pte Ltd
Codice EAN: 9798223570646
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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*The Anti-Aging Recipe Bible * Perfect on its own or as a practical workbook companion to Edible Beauty: Dermatologist Guide to An Anti-Aging Diet 5 Minute Anti-Aging Diet With 50 Plant Based Recipes, Simple Cooking, No Cook Meals, Glowing Skin Powered by Herbs "The fast food industry has sold us a lie." If spending hours in the kitchen meal prepping and cleaning up doesn't sound like your type of fun, welcome to Dr.TWL's Beauty Kitchen. "Fast food isn't really "fast", it's processed with chemical additives, many of which are proven carcinogens so that it can be preserved and reheated in a single step. What the industry wants you to think is that they are saving you time and money, but what's really happening is a slow death. Your cells, designed to combat oxidative stress, fights the damage until it succumbs—that's when the aging process begins and diseases like cancer arise. With this practical guide, I share my personal journey through 50 simple recipes that will transform the way you live—empowering you to make choices for health, inside out—one that also redefined my relationship with food. Stand amazed as we uncover the wealth of nature's produce, raw, unadulterated and delicious." Dr Teo Wan Lin In this handbook, access 50 plant-based recipes designed for fuss-free, intuitive cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner—plus tea time snacks. Dr Teo Wan Lin, board-certified dermatologist and practicing herbalist, shares her under 5 minute quick hacks for no-cook and hands-off meal prep. Discover the wonders of intuitive cooking, exercise your creativity, save time (and money) while embarking on your holistic anti-aging journey with the power of herbs and plants. Hate kitchen clean-ups? Spend less time in the kitchen while reaping the benefits of a nutraceutical packed natural diet—Dr. TWL teaches you how to whip up delicious, home-made meals with her meal prep hacks in this must-have kitchen companion for every beauty lover. Get ready for an empowering read with this recipe guide written for women on the go. Learn the science behind the best anti-aging foods that combat inflammaging and the art of antioxidant-packed meals that rejuvenate your skin inside out. On its own or as a practical companion to Edible Beauty: A Dermatologist's Guide to An Anti-Aging Diet, this book is a complete blueprint for 5 minute meal plans. Journey with Dr.TWL as she takes you through step-by-step her very own masterplan for healthy and delicious meals.