THE ART OF CONSCIOUS WEAlTH. "Strategies and Secrets to Multiply Your Heritage, Generate Abundance and Achieve Prosperity in All Aspects of Your Life" (eBook)

THE ART OF CONSCIOUS WEAlTH. "Strategies and Secrets to Multiply Your Heritage, Generate Abundance and Achieve Prosperity in All Aspects of Your Life" (eBook)

Jhuvel Mejia
Jhuvel Mejia
€ 6,49
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€ 6,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Jhulian Antonio Velasco Mejia
Codice EAN: 9798223536611
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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The Art of Conscious Wealth: Strategies and Secrets to Multiply Your Wealth, Generate Abundance, and Achieve Prosperity in Every Aspect of Your Life" is a revolutionary book that will guide you on the path to creating a prosperous and fulfilling life in every aspect. Written by an expert in finance and personal development, this book is a unique combination of financial knowledge, spiritual wisdom and practical strategies that will help you transform your relationship with money and achieve the prosperity you have always dreamed of. The author invites you to embark on a journey of self-knowledge and personal growth, in which you will learn to recognize and overcome the limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving the wealth and abundance you deserve. Through introspection and reflection exercises, you will discover how to change your mindset and adopt an attitude of gratitude and generosity that will allow you to attract prosperity into your life. In addition, this book will provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to effectively manage your finances and multiply your wealth. You will learn how to set clear and realistic financial goals, create a solid action plan and implement healthy financial habits that will allow you to achieve the financial freedom and economic security you so desire. But "The Art of Conscious Wealth" goes beyond the mere accumulation of material wealth. The author will teach you how to cultivate abundance in all areas of your life, from your personal relationships to your health and emotional well-being. Through mindfulness practices and meditation techniques, you will learn to live in the present and enjoy each moment, recognizing that true prosperity is found in connection with yourself and others. This book is a complete and holistic guide for those seeking to transform their lives and achieve prosperity in all aspects. With a practical and easy-to-follow approach, "The Art of Conscious Wealth" will teach you how to take control of your finances, develop an abundance mindset, and cultivate happiness and well-being in your daily life. No matter what your current financial situation is, this book will provide you with the keys to unlock your potential and achieve the prosperous and fulfilling life you've always wanted. If you are ready to embark on a journey of personal and financial transformation, "The Art of Conscious Wealth: Strategies and Secrets to Multiply Your Wealth, Generate Abundance, and Achieve Prosperity in Every Aspect of Your Life" is the ultimate guide that will help you achieve your dreams and live a life filled with wealth, success, and happiness. The book also addresses the importance of financial education and investing in yourself as fundamental pillars for achieving wealth and prosperity. Through practical advice and concrete examples, you will learn how to invest in your education, your personal growth and your financial future, ensuring that you are building a solid and lasting wealth that will allow you to enjoy a full and prosperous life. "The Art of Conscious Wealth" is an essential book for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation and achieve prosperity in all aspects of their life. Whether you are struggling with debt, looking to increase your income or simply wanting to improve your relationship with money and abundance, this book will provide you with the tools, inspiration and motivation you need to achieve your goals and transform your life.