The Mindset for Living in a World with Artificial Intelligence (eBook)

The Mindset for Living in a World with Artificial Intelligence (eBook)

Warren Brown
Warren Brown
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Warren Brown
Codice EAN: 9798223512417
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Artificial Intelligence is going to take over the world and control mankind is just a myth, according to a few articles I have read by experts. Yet, we fear the machines and think that someday they will dictate our human existence and possibly destroy us. Perhaps, this is because of some of the ways in which artificial intelligence has been depicted in science fiction novels and in cinema, as destroyers of mankind. A good example of this is the "Terminator" movie and series. Machines are just machines and only function with the help of the programs that are installed in their circuitry. Is A.I. friendly to humanity? Yes, you can get a friendly A.I. that is programmed with social interacting skills, like a robot designed to look like a human being in appearance and in mannerisms, that will smile at you as you approach and converse with you, just like a human being. The same human-looking robot will also watch your reactions and react to you accordingly. Will there be an artificial intelligence workforce in the near future, possibly by 2030? If engineers, scientists, and merchants of industry are to be believed, such a thing will not occur in our future and we humans have no cause for concern. According to these experts in the fields of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, there will be a form of synthesis between AI and the human workforce, with new types of work being created in the future, for the benefit and advancement of human civilization. This book is about developing a mindset that understands the presence of artificial intelligence in society. A.I. is simply a tool for us to use to do what we enjoy doing, which is making a difference in the world and in human society.