Victoria the Voracious Peacock (eBook)

Victoria the Voracious Peacock (eBook)

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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Michael Harms
Codice EAN: 9798223366317
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Victoria the Voracious Peacock: A Tale of Feathers and Fruits Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of "Victoria the Voracious Peacock," a delightful story of community, sharing, and the beauty of nature. In the verdant village of Vistula, resides Victoria, a magnificent peacock whose feathers are as vivid and vast as the lush vegetation surrounding her. Known for her love of Gloria Fruits and her spirited personality, Victoria embarks on a whimsical journey that brings joy and color to her forest home. Victoria's adoration for the glorific Gloria Fruits, known for their globous shape and gregariously sweet taste, is only matched by her desire to share them with her village. As she dreams of venturing beyond her usual confines, she visualizes bringing together the various animals of the forest for a grand feast. With the first light of Venus varnishing the sky, Victoria vibrates with energy and heads towards the village, her valise brimming with the juicy, sweet fruits. Her arrival is met with excitement and anticipation from the diverse inhabitants of the forest, from vivacious voles to venerable vipers, all eager to partake in the bounty of Gloria Fruits. As the forest comes alive with the spirit of sharing and celebration, Victoria is hailed as the virtuous vendor of vitality, spreading happiness and health through her generous distribution of fruits. The gathering transforms into a vibrant party, where the joy of the community shines as brightly as the fruits themselves. When night falls over Vistula, the animals, filled with new-found energy and gratitude, bid their farewells and vanish into the velvet night. Left in the serene afterglow of a successful gathering, Victoria reflects on the day's events and the joy of bringing her community together. Returning to her cozy abode, Victoria nestles into her bed, her mind still abuzz with the day's adventure. As she drifts off to sleep beneath a canopy of stars, her heart is full, and her dreams are as colorful and vivid as her feathers. "Victoria the Voracious Peacock" is a beautifully illustrated tale that celebrates the power of community, the joy of sharing, and the wonders of nature. Perfect for young readers, this enchanting story will inspire a love for wildlife, a sense of community, and an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.