Torn Between Two Lovers: Ministry vs Family (eBook)

Torn Between Two Lovers: Ministry vs Family (eBook)

Patricia J. Williams
Patricia J. Williams
€ 10,49
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€ 10,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Patricia J Williams
Codice EAN: 9798223265221
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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When we make a true commitment to walk in Godly love, it causes a huge shift in our lifestyle. Many of our ways, our thoughts, conversation and habits, have to change. For instance, we may be accustomed to spending all of our extra money on ourselves, only to discover that walking in love requires that sometimes, we spend it on others. We must have our minds renewed to the definition of love. Love is tangible; it is not a spiritual thing that cannot be seen or touched. It is evident to everyone, who we come in contact with. Love is a decision we make, a decision to treat people the way Jesus would treat them. Love is an action word. However, what happens when you are torn between two lovers? The words to a song, "Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool, do you really feel like a fool? From my personal standpoint, I was at a crossroad, choosing between God and my family, both whom I love whole-heartily. You are in love with God and your family at the same time. How can you balance and do the will of God, while not offending your family members? They really do not understand your walk and commitment to God. A love walk does not come easily or without personal sacrifice. Each time we choose to love someone, it will cost us something, for example, time, money and effort. Sure it is so easy to love our family, but some of them can be hard to love, due to their personalities, but we have to love them despite of how they act. We must learn that we are dealing with the spirit within the person, not the human side of the person. That's why we are told to count up the cost, before we make the commitment to serve and love God with our whole heart. It is easy not to have any contact with people we despise, because we are in the world. Yet it is so different when we become born again Christians. We must walk in Agape love. I was the type of person if you hurt or wronged me in any way; I cut you off, meaning I do not have to speak to you nor fellowship with you, that was my way of punishing the other person. Now that I am saved it is another ballgame. We have to love and forgive the ones, who wronged us. First Corinthians 14:1 says, eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]. "We need to pursue Agape love with all our might and act as if we cannot live without it!" The word "pursue" means "to follow in an effort to capture or overtake." The word "seek" means "to try to find or discover; search for." The love between family and ministry can be, somewhat, complicated, if you don't know how to balance the two. Some people will place all their strength and time in ministry and neglect their family and vice versa; this strategy is not of God. God is a God of balance and He honors family, just as well as ministries. There is a stronghold of fear, when an individual chooses to please another individual, situation, place or thing over God.