Haunted Britain - 50 Ghost Stories Based on True Paranormal Encounters Across England, Scotland and Wales (eBook)

Haunted Britain - 50 Ghost Stories Based on True Paranormal Encounters Across England, Scotland and Wales (eBook)

Grimshaw Eleanor Tales Twisted 
Grimshaw Eleanor Tales Twisted 
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Twisted Tales
Codice EAN: 9798223147671
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Haunted Britain: 50 Ghost Stories Based on True Paranormal Encounters Across England, Scotland and Wales Venture into the shadowy heart of the United Kingdom with "Haunted Britain" a spine-chilling collection of ghost stories woven into the tapestry of real paranormal encounters. This captivating anthology combines both the factual and the fantastical, taking you on an unforgettable journey through the isles' most haunted locations. Unravel the Eerie Truth From the misty moors of Cornwall to the cobblestone streets of Edinburgh, Britain's landscapes are steeped in legends and lore. Many of these stories have deep historical roots, passed down through generations, whispered around campfires, and shared in hushed conversations. "Haunted Britain" delves deep into these tales, shedding light on the unsettling phenomena that have plagued the islands for centuries. The Sinister Blend of Reality and Fiction While every story in this anthology finds its foundation in well-documented hauntings and genuine encounters, the authors artfully embed fictional tales within these real narratives. This seamless blend brings each ghostly tale to vivid life, wrapping the reader in a cloak of suspense, fear, and fascination. As you turn each page, you'll grapple with a disconcerting thought: Where does reality end, and where does the imagined begin? History Meets Horror Dive deep into Britain's rich history, where every castle, moor, and ancient alleyway has a tale to tell. As you immerse yourself in "Haunted Britain" you'll discover that the past is not always buried and sometimes, it demands to be heard. Every creak in the floorboard, every whisper of the wind, every chill in the air is a testament to the undeniable presence of those who once walked the land and now linger in the shadows. For the Brave and the Curious This anthology is not for the faint of heart. It's for those who seek thrills, who embrace the unknown, and who aren't afraid to confront the supernatural. It's for those who have always felt that tantalizing pull towards the world of phantoms, spirits, and the unexplained. Experience Tales Rooted in Reality The undeniable strength of "Haunted Britain" lies in its unwavering commitment to authenticity. While the authors embellish and expand upon known tales, they never stray too far from the core of truth. This delicate balance ensures that as you read, you're not just enjoying a ghost story – you're becoming a part of Britain's vast and shadowy paranormal legacy. Dive Deep into the Unknown Prepare yourself to embark on a journey that will test the boundaries of your courage and curiosity. Whether you're a believer in the paranormal, a history buff, or simply a lover of a good ghost story, "Haunted Britain" promises to deliver a reading experience that is both enlightening and terrifying. A Symphony of Fear and Fascination With each story, "Haunted Britain" crafts a symphony where history, horror, and imagination come together in a haunting crescendo. The real-life haunted locations serve as the stage, the factual ghostly encounters set the tone, and the fictional tales embedded within play the chilling notes that will resonate in your mind long after you've put the book down. In "Haunted Britain" reality and fiction intertwine to craft tales that will captivate, terrify, and enthral. Delve into the darkest corners of the United Kingdom, confront spirits that have lingered for centuries, and question the nature of reality itself. Dare you step into the world of "Haunted Britain"?