Non-Shifter's MPREG Lust - Complete Gay Omegaverse Series (eBook)

Non-Shifter's MPREG Lust - Complete Gay Omegaverse Series (eBook)

Michael Levi
Michael Levi
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Lingua: en
Editore: Michael Levi
Codice EAN: 9798215992173
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Looking for non-shifter, MPREG love? Look no more! This title contains all 3 books in the series. It's as steamy as it gets. 1. Man's Fertile First Time In a world without women, men must think outside the box. Transforming men into women? The thought never crossed my mind until it was a possibility. We have three candidates, and they're all perfect for it. With soft and smooth skin, big and expressive eyes, and perfect behinds, they make me obsess over them even though I'm straight. I mean, I still keep my wedding ring on my finger. I know that like the back of my hand, and yet something still peppers my crush on them. A couple of hours later, it's done. One of the candidates has finally become a woman, and I still look at him as a man. We want to have our way with her (or should it be 'him'?) and we'll all take turns. I'll roam my hands over her smooth, curvy legs. I'll pepper her neck with scalding kisses, and then we'll cream inside. By the time we're done, she might never be able to walk again… 2. Non-Shifter's First Time He's handsome, a jaw-dropper like no other. With such a perfect body, wherever he goes he draws curious eyes toward him from men and women alike. I'm younger than Aron, willing to be his for all of my life, and he's the person I want to have my first time with. The problem is, I never thought he could get pregnant. Boom. Just like that, I'm more than his partner now – I've knocked him up by accident and he has our little one. My life became a whirlwind all of a sudden, and all I know is that I think about him all the time. I obsess over Aron. I want to press our lips together, relish in the softness of his skin, and love him for the android he is… 3. Soon to be Pregnant I was the cowboy boyfriend of a handsome young sheriff from the town of Falcon Haven. We had a joyful relationship, but I could never give him what he wanted the most: a baby for his beloved family. As much as we tried, we couldn't find a solution for that. One evening, when I wasn't even thinking about my unattainable gift, some people gossiped with me about a professional that was an expert on male pregnancies. Desperate as I was to make the man of my life smile again, I decided to meet that supposed "doctor." My boyfriend had every reason not to take the advice given to me, and he didn't hold back his reservations. Meanwhile, little did I know that my whole life would turn upside down that day.