Double Devastation Brought Glorious Transformation (eBook)

Double Devastation Brought Glorious Transformation (eBook)

Paula Jones
Paula Jones
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€ 8,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Living Water Books LLC
Codice EAN: 9798215941829
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Countless years and days have come and gone for the little girl that used to hide in the neighbor's boat, knowing full well that her mother was calling for her at the top of her lungs. There have been many sunrises and sunsets for the child that used to make and eat mud pies while catching lightning bugs in the dark with the kids next door. She develops into a teenager walking the neighborhood with her best friend; However, the little girl and the silly teenager that became a mature woman of God. She has been called into the Kingdom of God as Queen Esther was in The Bible, for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14) The time is now that I share my story and touch briefly on some other precious individuals that have also passed through my life's journey. The incidents of my life and the lives of other individuals within the pages of this book I have recounted for a distinct cause. My life could have never transpired and unfolded the way it did without God placing certain individuals strategically in my path. I thank God for each one and pray that He blesses beyond their wildest dreams. Some content of this book will be hard to read, and it may even make the tender heart cry and ask God why these things happened. I know this because that is the emotion I have felt. I wrote this book for two purposes, the first is to bring glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and then the other purpose is to touch humanity with the pains and scars of my life. I hope as you read the pages of this book, and especially if you have been through similar adversities, that you will allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you through my pain. God has taken me on a marvelous journey of healing and transformation as I have allowed Him to extinguish the refining fire of adversity and replace it with the fires of revival that burn brightly through me as a witness to Him.