The Writer's Oasis (eBook)

The Writer's Oasis (eBook)

Warren Brown
Warren Brown
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Warren Brown
Codice EAN: 9798215287835
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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A writer needs to always refresh his or her mind with new ideas and inspiration. A writer always looks for stories, as there are stories everywhere just waiting to be told. Everything that we see, hear touch, and experience in life has the potential to become a great story or poem. A fiction writer and a poet will know a good idea when they spot one. This book is filled with new, original ideas to spur your imagination in the form of prompts, articles, and poems. There are a number of inspirational and motivational poems and articles to help you on your path as a writer. There will be times when you are discouraged and decide to quit writing. At those times leaf through the pages of this book and you will find a new idea to motivate you to continue writing. In this book, you will be encouraged to stretch your imagination, read the writing on the wall, create several ideas from a single one, make your writing entertaining, how to be a good writer, how to dazzle readers with your imagination, and the power of a "story hook", create your tapestry of words, how writers use their awesome superpowers for change, the importance of encouragement, the value of writing milestones, how to gain a large following, become a creative writer in four steps and 10 reasons to keep writing among several other articles, poems with inspirational messages. Write every day and you will have a large collection of your literary work at the end of the year. Make it a point to write and publish your writings. It is only when you share your work with others that are you really offering your ideas and thoughts for the world of readers to enjoy. I hope that this book provides you with some useful techniques, tools, and ideas to help you to develop your writing skills. The growth and development of a writer is an ongoing process, with so many things to learn on the way. This book will guide you in becoming the writer that you want to be in life.