Where The Amish Heart Lies (eBook)

Where The Amish Heart Lies (eBook)

Eliza Baker
Eliza Baker
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€ 3,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Trellis Publishing
Codice EAN: 9798201828714
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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AN ANTHOLOGY OF AMISH ROMANCES AND HOME LIFE WHERE THE AMISH HEART LIESShe both loved and hated how genuine his concern was for her and their child. Sometimes, with great effort, Miriam could see her future with Isaac. He was a good man, whom she did care for greatly. Settling herself onto the armchair near the front window, Miriam sighed, and rested her hand on her belly. She was still not far enough along to feel the baby move, but she liked to imagine that she could feel each little kick and squirm.More often than not, though, when she sat like this she imagined what would have happened if Matthew had settled down after their Rumspringa, gotten baptized, and proposed to her. Would they have a baby now? Or maybe more than one? She could picture how their children would have looked, even as she couldn't picture what this baby-this very real baby that she was having with Isaac-would look like.Miriam and Isaac's marriage is in trouble but they are making progress in communicating better with her former boyfriend out of the picture. Miriam is with child, and her pregnancy is helping to bring them together. But when tragedy strikes and she flees her Amish community in grief, it's not her husband who follows her. It's her former boyfriend, the man she's loved since childhood. ENDURING AMISHAnnabelle Graber had her fair share of heartache and pain, and after the untimely death of her husband, she had even less to hope for. With a daughter only three years of age, and a baby growing in her womb, she has very little hope to find her feet again in a hurry. She has to get by baking bread and helping her best friend Helen, but when opportunity presents itself, and a door opens, she has two choices, stay or go.Owen Yoder, father of five was starting to take strain taking care of five kids and working, and when he finally decides to try something completely different, he orders a bride from one of the other communities. His first encounter with the beautiful Annabelle leaves him hopeful, but he decides to give her time to think it over.Will two people who had both dealt with the tragedy of death, find comfort and companionship with each other, and finally start the life they both deserve?A SEASON FOR AMISH ROMANCEAmos is a young Amish man used to getting what he wants. But when he lays eyes on Esther, he knows he has to be at his best. She is a lot like him, charismatic and full of life...but sometimes full of herself. Still, he cannot help but fall for her charms even though she doesn't pay any attention to him and her father doesn't care for him. Can he somehow find a way to win her heart?