Psi Manipulation Magical Teachings and Exercises Coursebook (eBook)

Psi Manipulation Magical Teachings and Exercises Coursebook (eBook)

Atarah Steele
Atarah Steele
€ 3,49
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€ 3,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Charlz
Codice EAN: 9798201556594
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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Psi Manipulation Magical Teachings and Exercises Coursebook is an occult manual and study on the secrets of psi manipulation. What is psi? Psi means energy. This energy refers to the energy of the universe. Psi goes by many names, such as energy, ki, chi, prana, vril, life force, and ether, among others. It is not really the name by which it is called that matters, but what is important is that you know what it is and that you are able to harness it in accordance with your will. Psi Manipulation Magical Teachings and Exercises Coursebook reveals the essential teachings and practices that you can do in order to harness and manipulate this great power known as psi. There is only one condition, and that is you should only use whatever you learn from this book only for good and good alone. Do not forget the law of three and that whatever you do comes back to you three times or even more. It also follows that if you use this ancient knowledge for good, then you shall also be blessed in return. You already possess whatever is necessary for you to manipulate magical energy and make your real manifest on all the realms of existence. It is just up to you to harness this init ability and train yourself in the art of manipulating psi. The key to unlocking this power and enjoying it is your mind. It is a well-established teaching in the magical arts that all through and most genuine magic starts and ends in the mind. All you need is the proper instruction, and if you devote your time and energy to it, you will surely be able to harness the powers of the grand universe. Psi Manipulation Magical Teachings and Exercises Coursebook will help you jump start your way from beginner to mastery in the sacred art of psi manipulation. The good news is that this is not really difficult to do as long as you know the proper approach to take. Back in ancient times, magic was a natural part of the lives of the people. Therefore, do not think of yourself as a stranger to this ancient art. It just so happens that so many people today have forgotten about it, but it does not mean that you should be like them. Yes, this magical skill is learnable, and you are the right person to learn and practice it. If you practice enough and do your best, chances are that you will see significant and successful results within a month's time. Are you ready to discover and experience the beautiful magical art of psi manipulation? If yes, then let me know welcome you into this grand and wonderful universe of psi -- where your will shall be manifested on all planes of existence. It is time for you to awaken the powers that lie within.