The Way of the Red Witch (eBook)

The Way of the Red Witch (eBook)

Atarah Steele
Atarah Steele
€ 3,49
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€ 3,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Charlz
Codice EAN: 9798201554972
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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The Way of the Red Witch is a magical manual that teaches the magical practices of the so-called red witch. What is a red witch? A red witch is a magical practitioner who has a very strong affinity with the element of fire. When you follow the path of the red witch, you will get mastery over the fire element. The fire element is a really interesting element because it is believed to be the very first element in all of creation. Hence, it is written, "Let there be light." As a red witch, you transform yourself to being a light to the world. It is a way of love and courage, and it requires a strong will because the path has its own challenges, as well as opportunities. The Way of the Red Witch is for anyone who may have an affinity with the fire element, as well as for those who are simply looking for a way to gain mastery of the fire element. It should be noted as early as now that the way of the red witch is more than just an instructional and intellectual body of knowledge on the occult, but it is also a way of life. Red witches are also known as fire witches. But, do not allow yourself to be limited by the term. Even if you do not see yourself as a witch, but let us say, you see yourself as a sorcerer or as a wizard, you can still learn something magical and divine from this book. This is because red witches rely on authentic universal principles and rules, and therefore the teachings of the red witch apply to everyone. The Way of the Red Witch reveals the essential theories and practical exercises in order to allow you to learn and experience the powers of the fire element. It should be noted that this is more than just having an affinity with the fire element, but you should also make adjustments in your own life so that you could fit in the ideals and spiritual practices of a true fire witch/sorcerer. It should be noted that the fire element means so much more than the physical fire as most of us know it. But rather, the fire element includes specific qualities of energy and being, such as the qualities of courage, a strong willpower, lust, the grace of sex and seduction, the glories of war and what it takes to succeed, concentration, warmth, and personal power, among many others. There are no hard and fast rules on how the fire element will affect you. This is something that every magical practitioner should see for themselves as they move along the magical path. It should be noted that the fire element is very much alive and active. This book will also teach you how to deal with this element, so that you will end up as its master and not being mastered by it. Are you ready to learn the way of the red witch? If yes, then let me know welcome you into this wonderful journey -- a journey of mystery and magic, a journey of change and genuine spirituality.