Instant Money Spells for Wealth and Prosperity (eBook)

Instant Money Spells for Wealth and Prosperity (eBook)

Charlz Wolfe
Charlz Wolfe
€ 3,49
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€ 3,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Charlz
Codice EAN: 9798201320461
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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Instant Money Spells for Wealth and Prosperity is a magical discussion on casting spells in order to attract money. Every magical practitioner must understand that all things are made of energy. In the spiritual universe, this energy is always pure and divine. However, in the physical dimension, this energy also takes a material form, and that is in the form of money. Yes, the hard truth is that money is the energy of the material universe. Sad as it may be, such is the truth, and you only need to look around you to see how it works. All things in this material dimension revolve around money. Those who have money in life can do so much more and enjoy a more comfortable living than those who do not. Although many people do not admit it, such is the truth. Indeed, money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you the things that can make you happy. Instant Money Spells for Wealth and Prosperity teaches how you can summon the forces of nature to attract wealth and prosperity. By working on the occult and the spiritual, you can draw money toward you. For many years, practitioners of various crafts have been casting money spells with great success. Of course, you would not find them bragging about them in public. But, the truth is that magic -- real magic -- works, and you can also make it work for you with regard to making money. Instant Money Spells for Wealth and Prosperity is the book of revelations, for it reveals, once and for all, the secrets of magic that are necessary to make prosperity come toward you and make you successful. But, are you ready to wield its power? Are you ready for a force that is so divine it could change your life forever? There is only one condition: Whatever you learn from this book shall be used for good and good alone. Money itself is not evil, but how you live and what you do with it make it so. Stay on the path of light and love -- and you shall be blessed with heavenly treasures beyond your heart's desire.