On Writing Magic (eBook)

On Writing Magic (eBook)

Warren Brown
Warren Brown
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Warren Brown
Codice EAN: 9798201284046
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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The Gateways to the magical universe and worlds of writing are open to you. In this collection of stories, poems, and articles you will discover special keys to open the doorway to your creative world. I enjoy creative writing and this book is the type of book every new writer should read. I started on the Writer's Journey at the age of seventeen, when I wrote my first poem, "The Lady of the Sea." Since that day, I have not looked back. I was introduced to the writer's path by my father, Melvyn Brown, author and storyteller. Over the years I have read and heard the wisdom within the craft of writing. I hesitated to write fiction for fear of revealing too much about myself, my thoughts, and my ideas. It was only when I was in my 20's that I decided that it was time to stop being nervous. I needed to leap into the chasm of my creativity. I started by writing poems, I would write about five poems a day. At the end of that period, I wrote and self-published a collection of seventy-five poems. A couple of years later, I started writing and self-publishing fiction stories and novels. I always had my blog and website, where I would put my writings. I also happened to discover Medium, the blog publishing platform. It looked interesting to me for a while, so I wrote a few articles and forgot about it completely. It was only at the end of the last year 2020, I kept hearing about Medium once again. I was surprised to see the way in which Medium had evolved. I re-joined Medium, at the end of last year. At the beginning of 2021, I started putting more time writing more poetry and stories on Medium. I was happy to see that my followers gradually increased. My income from my articles stayed low. As I enjoy writing for the sake of writing, I write about subjects that appeal to me. Unlike some writers, I am not writing for particular niches so that articles can earn me more money. My intention for using Medium, is for the practice of writing, for the enjoyment of my readers, the income rewards will come in time. The profits and success will roll in once the world realizes the value of your work. I have completed writing over 800 articles and my followers have increased from zero to 785 over the last 8 months. I also receive positive feedback from my readers which is very encouraging. Over the last 8 months, I have created my own publications on Medium. The established publications are difficult to get into. While a number of other publications are particular about what they accept and take time to publish work. By establishing my own publications, I have given myself the freedom to publish articles immediately. The readership for my publications is not high, but I know that it will grow over time. My articles, stories, and poems are filled with imaginative ideas on creativity and positivity. I have introduced a number of ways in which you can explore your mind. With these keys to writing, you will discover the powers of your imagination to create new, exciting and innovative ideas. Your writing will never be the same after you have read this book from cover to cover and uncovered new ways to create unique, outstanding literary works. I would like to welcome you to the Writer's Way, as you discover the genius mind of a writer waiting to be awakened, behind your Gates of Imagination and Creativity. Welcome to the Writer's Way Warren Brown