200 Boosts for Indie Authors: Empowering Inspiration and Practical Advice (eBook)

200 Boosts for Indie Authors: Empowering Inspiration and Practical Advice (eBook)

Rayne Hall
Rayne Hall
€ 4,49
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€ 4,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Rayne Hall Ltd
Codice EAN: 9798201053550
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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Have you indie-published books, and are wondering how to get more traction and sales? Do you want ideas on how to make your publishing venture a success? This guide is bursting with suggestions you can use. I've compiled them based on what I discovered from publishing more than 50 books, learning through trial and error. I'll guide you to take shortcuts, bypassing the tedious, time-wasting chores and go straight to what works. This isn't a how-to manual, but a collection of creative prompts. Don't just read them, but use the prompts to get your own thoughts going: 'How can I apply this to my books, my situation, my publishing business?' After each suggestion, I'll ask a question to kick-start your train of thought. Treat this as a workbook which prompts you to research, assess and plan your projects and find the solutions which are right for you. Some of my suggestions are unconventional, and you may find it refreshing to simply ditch the book marketing efforts you dread, and have fun instead. Attract new readers with activities you enjoy. I've mixed the topics up, so we'll explore publishing strategy one day, quality another, then cover design, money saving, font choices and much more. We'll circle back to some subjects several times, approaching them from new angles. By dancing from topic to topic like a butterfly collecting pollen, your mind gets a fresh perspective every day. This will prevent your thoughts from going stale. You'll get the most out of this book if you have already self-published at least one book, are familiar with the challenges and want to take a leap forward. This volume doesn't contain how-to-publish instructions, so if you're a novice in this field, you may find some of the boosts too advanced. While I've designed the book so you can tackle a prompt a day for 200 days, feel free to adapt the pace to suit your needs. If a topic isn't relevant to you at the moment, do the thought exercise anyway, because the insights will help at a later stage. Are you ready to delve in? Rayne Hall