Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Prep (AZ-104): Make Your Career with Microsoft Azure Platform Using Azure Administered Exam Prep (English Edition) (eBook)

Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Prep (AZ-104): Make Your Career with Microsoft Azure Platform Using Azure Administered Exam Prep (English Edition) (eBook)

Lalit Rawat
Lalit Rawat
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: BPB Publications
Codice EAN: 9789389898767
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Step-by-step exam guide to learn Microsoft Azure Administration with hands-on labs. KEY FEATURES Well-organized and detailed coverage for passing the Azure Administrator Exam. Gain proficiency in analyzing resource utilization and consumption. Explore how to manage resource groups and establish storage accounts. Expert-led designed and scenario-focused questions and answers. DESCRIPTION The Azure administrator is a new way to learn and develop the Microsoft Azure skills, and it helps you to grow your career in the cloud era. In this book, you will learn about the basic and advance concepts of the Azure administration. You will also learn how to use the Azure active directory user management and how to sync your on-premises active directory with the Azure directory. This book also explains concepts like the Azure Virtual machine, Azure storage account, and Azure networking with an exam-based scenario. At the end the book explains Azure monitor, Azure networking, on-premises to Azure connectivity using the site-to-site connection or through EXPRESS ROUTE along with the Disaster and Backup recovery option. This book covers a full chapter of Exam Preparation Guidelines and scenarios-based questions that will help readers in their exam preparations. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Efficient use of Azure components with conceptual-based learning on Azure services. Step-by-step implementation of routine Azure administration tasks. Exciting examples and illustrations on using Azure active directory and other utilities. Smart coverage on Azure virtual machine, Azure storage account, and Azure networking. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for all system administration roles or anyone seeking to successfully pass the Azure Administration certification exam and become a true professional Azure Administrator. To make the best of this book, we expect you to be familiar with PowerShell and CLI. AUTHOR BIO Lalit is an Azure MVP, MCT, and an Author of the "Azure Interview Q & A" book. He has written several articles on Microsoft Azure and changed many lives from his articles and his hands-on training programs and workshops. He is a speaker and has delivered the session on a big platform including MS Global Bootcamp, Local user group, and Expert Live India and other events. Moreover, and to his credit, he has delivered 500+ training sessions to professionals worldwide in Microsoft Azure technologies and other technologies including SCOM and Windows Server. Also, he has provided an instructor-led online training, hands-on workshops. His technical prowess and capability of exploring new frontiers of technology and imparting them to his aspiring team members are his trademark. His execution is priceless and bringing forth his approach will help you realize your dreams, goals, and aspirations into reality