44th & 45th The Tenures of US-Presidents Barack H. Obama and Donald J. Trump (eBook)

44th & 45th The Tenures of US-Presidents Barack H. Obama and Donald J. Trump (eBook)

Edwin R. Micewski
Edwin R. Micewski
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: EdwinsEditorial
Codice EAN: 9783989954786
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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The United States, the powerful leading nation of the Western world, is in trouble. Her society is deeply divided, and moral and intellectual confusion sweeps the country and permeates politics, media, science, and the arts. The author confirms this premise in his persuasive analysis of the terms of the 44th and 45th US presidents – two political leaders opposed in character, ideology, and statesmanship – as well as the transition to the 46th and his first year in office. He directs his critique equally at social and cultural issues, as well as at foreign policy and national security challenges that have emerged in contemporary American history during this decade and a half. Living in the United States during this period and having previously worked as a guest lecturer in the United States, the author was able to directly observe, analyze, and compare political, social, and cultural processes and decisions with media coverage and public discourse on both sides of the Atlantic. This made it possible, in addition to the steadily increasing ideological division of politics and society and the anarchic agitation of radical forces, to point out and correct the propaganda performance of the media and their construction of illusory realities on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Particular attention and deep emphasis are placed on developments in national security and international relations. Thus, the reader is familiarized with the genesis of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the events in Libya and Syria, their geostrategic backgrounds, and security policy contexts. The entire analysis – embedded in the author's socio-philosophical hermeneutic on questions of truth, justice, and morality – leads to the inescapable conclusion that the fundamental challenge to Western civilization and its societies is primarily spiritual and not material. Accordingly, the author argues for a reconfiguration of reason in the sense of critical political thought and the need to revive philosophical and metaphysical traditions of thought to ensure or restore all-encompassing literacy in all segments of society and the state. From the fundamental level of political and moral philosophy, he challenges the dictates of scientific rationality as the exclusive model of dealing with social and political challenges. He calls for the revival of a comprehensive framework of meaning that reinforces the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of human consciousness. In analyzing the impact of the decisions and policies of political administration on the nation and global affairs, he explains why human coexistence at all levels requires the recognition of a minimal moral disposition, a nominal common ethical denominator, and human recognition. This thought-provoking memorandum reveals the tragic consequences of the lack of philosophical wisdom in the community. His critical review offers solutions and ideas for an overdue course correction and explains why the rebirth of proper conservatism is essential to the survival of this nation and Western civilization. For an objective assessment and informed criticism of the upcoming presidential election in the USA in November 2024, this book provides important insights into the United States political system and the current dispositions of the political parties and the major media conglomerates.