People Person: How to Talk to Anyone, Improve Social Awkwardness, and Communicate With Ease and Confidence (eBook)

People Person: How to Talk to Anyone, Improve Social Awkwardness, and Communicate With Ease and Confidence (eBook)

Sandy R. Williams
Sandy R. Williams
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Full Moon Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781960812094
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Do you struggle to communicate in social situations? Are you worried about being misunderstood or judged when you speak? Has avoiding social gatherings become a norm? If yes, then you're not alone. Millions of people around the world find it hard to talk to others. In fact, in the United States alone, 12.1% of adults suffer from a social anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. Often times, social anxiety leads to social awkwardness, which could have negative consequences on your life, especially if you've become accustomed to any of its potential side effects. You see, communication is essential in every aspect of your life as it helps connect you to other people, build relationships, and accomplish your goals – personal and professional! The worst of its harmful effects may have already hit you. Why do you keep getting passed over for that promotion at work? What about failed relationships because of misunderstandings? The good news? Learning how to effectively communicate takes time, but it's a skill that can be mastered with the appropriate strategies and consistent effort. This book provides a wealth of advice on how to overcome social anxiety, bolster self-esteem, and develop conversational skills that will come in handy in any social situation. Inside this life-changing guide to unlocking your full potential and bettering your life through communication, you will discover: How lack of communication negatively impacts your life — poor communication destroys, both internally and externally! The critical importance of not being self-critical — reframe your negative thoughts and be kind to yourself so that you can openly talk to others How to rebuild your self-esteem and boost self-confidence — learn to talk to anyone without feeling nervous or uncomfortable The significance of nonverbal communication — understand what people truly mean behind their silence and beyond their words! Active listening skills you can harness for more meaningful conversations — communication goes both ways; listening is as important as speaking! Why must you learn how to ask the right questions — use the power of questions to impress others and keep the conversation going! How to avoid being poisoned by toxic individuals when communicating with them — handle hard-to-handle people! The big deal with small talk — become good at small talk and thrive in social situations where unpleasant conversations are inevitable And much more… Communicating effectively is the key to getting what you want out of life and living the life you imagine. There has never been a better time to start talking your way into a better job, more fulfilling relationships, and a brighter future. Start now!