Della's Diary (eBook)

Della's Diary (eBook)

Renee Darcy
Renee Darcy
€ 4,68
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€ 4,68
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Bright Little Light Press
Codice EAN: 9781946804020
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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If you’ve ever watched one of those ‘prepper’ reality TV shows, you might think that the people they portray are crazy – or you might secretly agree with them. Della’s Diary is the story of how Della – a normal wife, mother and writer – slowly finds herself slipping into the prepper lifestyle. All she wants to do is protect the people she cares about, but instead she faces a growing rift with her husband, and surprising life changes. Excerpt Being a mom is a lot like being a prepper. It’s all about being prepared for the most common crises, with enough extra supplies to help you handle pretty much anything that might come your way. Although I probably should carry some peanut-free granola bars in case I ever have to feed a kid with a peanut allergy. It’s always a toss-up whether another parent is horrified when they see me feeding my son peanuts, or whether they high five me for refusing to bow down to the establishment. Maybe I need to hang around with different parents. Anyway, we’re ready. Bring on the party! Bright Little Light Press says: Della’s Diary humanizes the sometimes crazy-seeming extremes of the ‘prepper’ lifestyle. Della herself is an engaging, interesting character, and you find yourself rooting for her and even understanding her descent into prepper-dom. Readers say: “This book has a lot of layers. Introspection. Political awareness. Romance. Humor. Just when you think you’ve got it pinned down, it surprises you with something new.” “I totally wasn’t expecting the direction the book took, but Della is a relatable and compelling character.” “Della is just like a friend of mine, if that friend was maybe a little too concerned about improbable things happening. I love how she feels like a real person, like someone I know.”