The Time Between Us (eBook)

The Time Between Us (eBook)

Marina McCarron
Marina McCarron
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Aria
Codice EAN: 9781801104418
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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Winner of the Gold Medal for Independent Publisher Award in the Historical Fiction category. 'Haunting and enchanting by turns. This book will stay with me for a long time. Utterly magnificent' Jenni Keer Can the truth about her family's past unlock her future? Normandy, 1937. Sixteen-year-old Elise embarks on a whirlwind romance with a young American man, which transports her from the drudgery of her everyday life caring for her mother. But neither she nor William is prepared for the war that will threaten to tear them apart... Boston, 2009. Lucy has been left reeling by the death of her beloved grandfather. They had always planned to visit France together after her college graduation; now, still aching from his loss, Lucy decides to take the trip alone. As Lucy traces the steps of her grandfather through the French countryside where he once served as a GI, a powerful story of love, loss and destiny emerges – but can the truth about her family's past unlock her future? Or are some scars too deep to heal? Readers love The Time Between Us! 'Poignant, haunting story took my breath away. A simply stunning debut.' Clare Marchant 'Emotional story of love and loss, beautifully woven.' Liz Fenwick 'Left me breathless. My emotions were crushed and revived and tangled... I cried and felt heartbreak for the characters. Time stood still and supper cooled while I finished living it... Unmissable... I cannot stop thinking about it.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars 'Emotional rollercoaster of love and loss... An excellent read which kept my interest right through to the last page.' Jo Lambert 'Fabulous, emotional... This is a beautifully written story of war, love and loss... Pulled me in from the first page and I loved the story of Elise.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars 'Emotional and heart-breaking... If you like WWII books then you will love this one.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars 'Fantastic... Hooked me and kept me invested... McCarron was able to capture the sights, smells, sounds, touch and tastes to the extent that I felt I was in the soldier's boots. It was phenomenal!... I was emotionally wrung out by the end of the book... This is the best book out there... Spectacular... Magnificently written, five-star historical fiction must be on your radar.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars 'Very beautiful read. I highly recommend this one. I really like the writer's style and look forward to her future books' @IslaRoseReads, 5 stars 'Heart-breaking dual timeline story of love, loss and the reality of life.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars 'Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres and this one did not disappoint... I recommend this book if you like to read historical fiction.' NetGalley Reviewer 'Poignant and emotionally complex. Loved it.' NetGalley Reviewer