The Library (eBook)

The Library (eBook)

Bella Osborne
Bella Osborne
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Aria
Codice EAN: 9781801100465
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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'A touching story of a friendship between a troubled teenager, a yoga-practising farming woman in her seventies and a local library. A delight!' – Sunday Times bestselling author Katie Fforde *** Two lonely bookworms. An unexpected friendship. A library that needs their help Teenager Tom has always blended into the background of life. After a row with his dad and facing an unhappy future at the dog food factory, he escapes to the library. Pensioner Maggie has been happily alone with her beloved novels for ten years – at least, that's what she tells herself. When they meet, they recognise something in each other that will change both their lives for ever. Then the library comes under threat of closure, and they must join forces to prove that it's not just about books – it's the heart of their community. They are determined to save it – because some things are worth fighting for. *** EVEN MORE PRAISE FOR THE LIBRARY! 'Such a heart-warming and thought-provoking novel! A touching tale of true friendship, overcoming adversity and the genuine joy books can bring to our lives' – Jill Mansell 'A touching tale that will warm your heart and put a smile on your face' – Hazel Prior 'A story that was deeply moving, and ultimately uplifting... Definitely recommended – it was one of my best reads this year' – Janet Gover 'Heart-rending and inspiring in equal measures. A wonderful story. I adored it!' – Celia Anderson 'Beautifully and sensitively written, the characterisation is superb!' – Sue Moorcroft 'Absolutely LOVED IT! It's Bella's best book yet! A glorious heartfelt novel' – Christie Barlow 'The Library is a beautifully uplifting story full of wit, warmth and tender moments, with community at its heart and characters you truly care about' – Cressida McLaughlin 'I absolutely loved this book. Heart-warming with genuine characters, the plot pulled me in and I was rooting for the library every step of the way. A great tonic for the times and highly recommended!' – Talli Roland 'A truly special book, brimming with charm, heartwrenching moments and inspiring characters. The Library is one of those feel-good books that is sure to delight readers' – Carmel Harrington, author of The Moon Over Kilmore Quay