Front Lines (The Front Lines series) (eBook)

Front Lines (The Front Lines series) (eBook)

Michael Grant
Michael Grant
€ 6,54
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€ 6,54
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Electric Monkey
Collana: The Front Lines series
Codice EAN: 9781780316543
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Exclusive Front Lines story, Dead of Night to be 2017 World Book Day book. Just when you thought Michael Grant’s GONE series had taken us to the darkest limits of his imagination, the evil genius of young adult fiction is back to take you to the Front Lines of terror. In the tradition of The Book Thief, Code Name Verity and Between Shades of Gray, Front Lines gives the experience of WWII a new immediacy while playing with the ‘what ifs?’ of history. It’s WWII, but not as you remember it from history lessons! This time the girls aren’t stitching socks for the brave boys at the front. Meet 17-year-old Rio Richlin and her friends Frangie Marr and Rainy Schulterman, three of the newest recruits in the US Armed Forces. They stand shoulder to shoulder with the boys from home as they take on Hitler’s army. In the face of reluctant colonels and sceptical sergeants, the teenage soldier girls must prove their guts, strength, and resourcefulness as soldiers. Rio has grown up in a world where men don’t cry and girls are supposed to care only about ‘money and looks’. But she has always known that there is something wrong with this system and something else in her. Far from home and in the battlefields, Rio discovers exactly who she is and what she can accomplish The first in an exciting new young adult trilogy. Front Lines is the saga of a modern teenage heroine in an alternate past that could only have come from the man who gave us GONE, BZRK and Messenger of Fear. Don't miss Silver Stars, the second book in the Front Lines series. Michael Grant also has a World Book Day book, Dead of Night, which is set in the Front Lines universe and written exclusively for World Book Day 2017. Rio, Frangie and Rainy will delight fans of The Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen. But this is a book for anyone who thought they were more! The young adult fiction that Michael Grant is calling his best yet. Praise for GONE: ‘These are exciting, high-tension stories told in a driving, torrential narrative that never lets up … This is great fiction.’ Stephen King. Michael Grant has lived an exciting, fast-paced life. He moved in with his wife Katherine after only 24 hours. He has co-authored over 160 books but promises that everything he writes is like nothing you’ve ever read before!