On Autumn Lake (eBook)

On Autumn Lake (eBook)

Douglas Crase
Douglas Crase
€ 11,33
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Nightboat Books
Codice EAN: 9781643621616
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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*Author is a beloved, cult figure of American poetry, who’s first book, The Revisionist, earned the author a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship, Whiting Award, and Guggenheim Fellowship, the Times Literary Supplement Books of the Year twice (2017 and 2019) among other prizes. *When Nightboat published Crase’s collected poems Publishers Weekly called it “a lasting contribution” to American poetry. *Subjects of essays in this collection include poets of the New York School, painting, “A Brief History of Memes,” “A Hidden History of the Avante-Garde,” writers James Schuyler, Marianne Moore, Lorine Niedecker, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Ashbery, Marjorie Welish, Anne Lauterbach, Donald Britton, and artists Dwight Ripley, Richard Poirier, Robert Dash *Of interest to people interested in non-academic essays that take a personal approach to the subject of poetry *Author grew up reading Whitman and is interested in landscape and egalitarian democracy *John Ashbery, James Schuyler and Marjorie Welish were close personal friends of the author and are discussed in these essays. *Author is a beloved essayist about poetry, editor of a book of Emerson’s writing for the Library of AMerica, and a memoir/biography, Both *Author is a revered member of the New York School of Poets, was close friends with John Ashbery, John Schuyler, among many others. Schuyler’s poem, “Dining Out with Doug and Frank,” is about Crase and his husband, Frank Polach. *Author worked as a free-lance writer of speeches, industrial filmscripts, and multimedia presentations for clients including Eastman Kodak, General Electric, United Technologies, Johnson & Johnson, Chesebrough-Pond’s, and others. *The Revisionist & The Astropastorals was named a 2019 Book of the Year in Times Literary Supplement *Author holds a AB from Princeton *His first book, The Revisionist, was named a Notable Book of the Year in 1981 by The New York Times and nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award and a National Book Award in poetry. His collected poems, The Revisionist and The Astropastorals, was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and named a Book of the Year for 2019 in both the Times Literary Supplementand Hyperallergic. His dual biography of influential aesthetes Rupert Barneby and Dwight Ripley, Both: A Portrait in Two Parts, was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award and named a Stonewall Honor Book by the American Library Association. He has received a Whiting Writers’ Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and a MacArthur “genius” award. He lives with his husband, Frank Polach, in New York and Carley Brook, Pennsylvania.