ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition (eBook)

ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition (eBook)

Andrew Lock
Andrew Lock
€ 57,50
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€ 57,50
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Manning
Codice EAN: 9781638352587
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Build professional-grade full-stack web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core. In ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition you’ll learn how to: Build minimal APIs for serving JSON to client-side applications Create dynamic, server-side rendered applications using Razor Pages User authentication and authorization Store data using Entity Framework Core Unit and integration tests for ASP.NET Core applications Write custom middleware and components Fully updated to ASP.NET Core 7.0! In ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition Microsoft MVP Andrew Lock teaches you how you can use your C# and .NET skills to build amazing cross-platform web applications. This revised bestseller reveals the latest .NET patterns, including minimal APIs and minimal hosting. Even if you've never worked with ASP.NET, you'll start creating productive cross-platform web apps fast. Illustrations and annotated code make learning visual and easy. About the technology The ASP.NET Core web framework delivers everything you need to build professional-quality web applications. With productivity-boosting libraries for server-side rendering, secure APIs, easy data access and more, you’ll spend your time implementing features instead of researching syntax and tracking down bugs. This book is your guide. About the book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition shows you how to create production-grade web applications with ASP.NET Core 7.0. You’ll learn from hands-on examples, insightful illustrations, and nicely explained code. Updated coverage in this Third Edition includes creating minimal APIs, securing APIs with bearer tokens, WebApplicationBuilder, and more. About the reader For beginning to intermediate web developers. Examples are in C#. About the author Andrew Lock is a Microsoft MVP who has worked with ASP.NET Core since before its first release. Table of Contents 1 Getting started with ASP.NET Core 2 Understanding ASP. NET Core 3 Your first application 4 Handling requests with the middleware pipeline 5 Creating a JSON API with minimal APIs 6 Mapping URLs to endpoints using routing 7 Model binding and validation in minimal APIs 8 An introduction to dependency injection 9 Registering services with dependency injection 10 Configuring an ASP.NET Core application 11 Documenting APIs with OpenAPI 12 Saving data with Entity Framework Core 13 Creating a website with Razor Pages 14 Mapping URLs to Razor Pages using routing 15 Generating responses with page handlers in Razor Pages 16 Binding and validating requests with Razor Pages 17 Rendering HTML using Razor views 18 Building forms with Tag Helpers 19 Creating a website with MVC controllers 20 Creating an HTTP API using web API controllers 21 The MVC and Razor Pages filter pipeline 22 Creating custom MVC and Razor Page filters 23 Authentication: Adding users to your application with Identity 24 Authorization: Securing your application 25 Authentication and authorization for APIs 26 Monitoring and troubleshooting errors with logging 27 Publishing and deploying your application 28 Adding HTTPS to an application 29 Improving your application’s security 30 Building ASP.NET Core apps with the generic host and Startup 31 Advanced configuration of ASP.NET Core 32 Building custom MVC and Razor Pages components 33 Calling remote APIs with IHttpClientFactory 34 Building background tasks and services 35 Testing applications with xUnit 36 Testing ASP.NET Core applications