The Prepper Survival Guide to Bugging Out When You Absolutely Positively Can't Stay There Any Longer (eBook)

The Prepper Survival Guide to Bugging Out When You Absolutely Positively Can't Stay There Any Longer (eBook)

Macenzie Guiver
Macenzie Guiver
€ 2,65
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€ 2,65
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Healthy Wealthy nWise Press
Collana: Survival Family Basics - Preppers Survival Handbook Series
Codice EAN: 9781507042762
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
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Just to say Thank You for checking out this Book I want to give you a copy of my upcoming special report "The Prepper's Supplies Guide for When Disaster Strikes" Go to to reserve your FREE copy now. The last thing any parent ever wants to have to do is drag their children from the safety and security of their home into a hostile environment. But when a disaster strikes, this is exactly what may be required in order to keep your family safe from harm. “Survival Family Basics - The Prepper Survival Guide to Bugging Out When You Absolutely Positively Can't Stay There Any Longer” is here to help you do just that – keep your family safe on the move. It is an unfortunate fact that no matter where you live, there is always the possibility that some kind of crisis will render your home or the area where you live unsafe. In these situations you may have no other alternative than to “get out of Dodge!” The need to bug-out creates a greater logistical challenge than any other prepping scenario and for families, the stakes are even higher. While you might be able to go without food for a few days or be willing to risk drinking water that might make you sick, you probably aren’t willing to put your kids in the same situation. Here are some of the things you will learn… • How to pick a bug out location • What kind of transportation options you need to consider when making your bug out plan • Who in your family needs a bug out bag • What to do when you are bugging out with small children • The basic ingredients needed to build your bug-out bag • Information on the special considerations you need to factor in when you are bugging out with your entire family From deciding your bug-out destination to creating an inventory system for your bug-out bag, this book provides you with the information and insight you need to get your family and your gear out of the house and on the move as quickly as possible when disaster strikes! Scroll up and get your copy of, “Survival Family Basics - The Prepper Survival Guide to Bugging Out When You Absolutely Positively Can't Stay There Any Longer” now. Do you really have time to wait?