Stalking A Killer (eBook)

Stalking A Killer (eBook)

Marilyn Clay
Marilyn Clay
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Lingua: en
Editore: Marilyn Clay
Codice EAN: 9781502240699
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
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From the rocky shores of Lake Stevens near small town Pinehill, Texas to the teeming streets of Dallas and sweltering beaches of Miami, aspiring PI Amanda Mason fearlessly stalks the killer who is letting her father take the blame for murder. Single mom Amanda Mason thinks she'd make a pretty good Private Investigator. Trouble is, she doesn't own a cell phone or a computer and her old green Dodge only starts when it wants to. Plus, she's stuck at home with a precocious five-year-old, AND looking after her elderly father who just had a heart attack while helping him run his dilapidated bait and tackle shop on the lake. When the Pinehill PD suddenly charge her dad with murder, Amanda has to prove she'd make a VERY GOOD PI and solve the case ASAP, otherwise her dad is going to jail for life! Since the handsome man who has agreed to help her is keeping his true identity a secret, Amanda fears it's possible he knows the answers and is keeping her in the dark. But, why? "Marilyn Clay's mystery novels keep readers on the edge of their seats while breathlessly awaiting the outcome. Another well-done and thoroughly engaging novel by this masterful story-teller." – Red River Reviews. "Well-drawn believable characters coupled with an unusual setting and a surprise ending all add up to a very enjoyable read. A unique mystery set near Dallas, Texas." – Mystery Reviewer. Marilyn Clay's suspense novels have been praised by The Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus, and literary magazines such as Historical Novels Review, Romantic Times, Red River Reviews, and others. Best-selling author Marilyn Clay's most recent novels include the critically acclaimed Miss Juliette Abbott Regency Mystery Series; MURDER AT MORLAND MANOR, MURDER IN MAYFAIR and MURDER IN MARGATE. All available in print and Ebook. Book 4 in the Juliette Abbott Regency Murder Mystery series, MURDER AT MEDLEY PARK, is coming in 2018. All of the Juliette Abbott Regency Mysteries are available in both print and Ebook and are suitable for teen readers. All of Marilyn Clay's novels are clean with no strong language, graphic scenes, or violence. All are suitable for teen readers. Marilyn Clay's historical suspense novels include DECEPTIONS: A Jamestown Novel, originally released in hardcover and now available in Ebook. Catherine travels to the New World in search of her betrothed but what she finds in Jamestown nearly destroys her. (Also released as DANGEROUS DECEPTION and THE LETTER) SECRETS AND LIES: A Jamestown Novel. Four young English girls travel to the New World on a Bride Ship in 1620 but are shocked to discover that someone in Jamestown wants them all dead! (Also in Ebook as DANGEROUS SECRETS**and in paperback as A PETTICOAT AND LAMBSKIN GLOVES.) Another popular historical suspense thriller by Marilyn Clay is BETSY ROSS: ACCIDENTAL SPY, set in Philadelphia in 1776. Quaker Betsy Ross sets out to uncover who killed her beloved husband John Ross, but is instead drawn into a dangerous underworld of spies and double agents. Available in print and e-book. MARILYN CLAY has writtten seven Regency romances, the newest THE WRONG MISS FAIRFAX. If the handsome lord cannot sort it out, he just might propose to the wrong Miss Fairfax! A former University Editor with the University of Texas at Dallas, for sixteen years Marilyn published The Regency Plume, an international newsletter focused on the English Regency. She also designed RWAs RITA award and was presented with the first RITA when the golden statuette was unveiled. For more information visit Marilyn Clay Author online.