Modern Romance Collection: July Books 5 - 8: A Ring to Secure His Crown / Wedding Night with Her Enemy / Salazar's One-Night Heir / Claiming His Convenient Fiancée (eBook)

Modern Romance Collection: July Books 5 - 8: A Ring to Secure His Crown / Wedding Night with Her Enemy / Salazar's One-Night Heir / Claiming His Convenient Fiancée (eBook)

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€ 16,32
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474070669
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Four sexy romances all in one place! A Ring to Secure His Crown by Kim Lawrence The playboy prince's convenient bride Sabrina Summerville is content with her betrothal to the sensible Prince Luis – their match will reunify the kingdom of Vela. So why does she feel so drawn to Luis's darkly dangerous brother, Prince Sebastian? Prince Sebastian has always pursued a decadent lifestyle, taking full advantage of being the scandalous second son! But when his brother abdicates and leaves the beautiful but betrayed Sabrina alone at the altar, he has no choice but to step up. Not only must he become a ruler, he must marry Sabrina himself! And if the sparks are anything to go by, their marriage is going to be explosive.. Wedding Night with Her Enemy by Melanie Milburne Blackmailed by the billionaire! Allegra Kallas detests Draco Papandreou-and she especially can't stand the desire she feels whenever she sees the arrogant man who once rejected her! So she's horrified when her father's business runs into debt and the only man who can save them is none other than the ruthless Greek…No matter how much Allegra protests, Draco knows the driven career-woman feels the fire which rages between them. And he's not above using his power to blackmail her into confessing it! To satisfy their cravings, Draco has a sinful plan: he'll make Allegra his wife, and seduce her into his bed… Salazar's One-Night Heir by Jennifer Hayward The challenge: take revenge for a decades-old injustice…Tycoon Alejandro Salazar will take any opportunity to expose the Hargrove family's crime against his – including accept the challenge to pose as their stable groom! His goal in sight, Alejandro cannot allow himself to be distracted by the gorgeous Hargrove heiress…Her family must pay, yet Alejandro can't resist innocent Cecily's fiery passion. And when their one night of bliss results in an unexpected pregnancy, Alejandro will legitimise his heir and restore his family's honour…by binding Cecily to him with a diamond ring! Claiming His Convenient Fiancée by Natalie Anderson The millionaire's temporary engagement! Impulsive Catriona Parkes-Wilson must retrieve a forgotten family heirloom, and if that means breaking into the mansion she grew up in, so be it! But she never expected to get caught by the house's hot-tempered new owner, Alejandro Martinez, nor be forced into posing as his date for one night! Desire rips through Alejandro the minute he sees Kitty, her reckless abandon igniting an animal urge to take her as his own. So when Kitty is mistaken as his fiancee, Alejandro is determined to take full advantage – and unleash the powerful hunger that rages between them!