Modern Romance April 2017 Books 5 – 8: The Secret Heir of Alazar / Crowned for the Drakon Legacy / His Mistress with Two Secrets / The Argentinian's Virgin Conquest (eBook)

Modern Romance April 2017 Books 5 – 8: The Secret Heir of Alazar / Crowned for the Drakon Legacy / His Mistress with Two Secrets / The Argentinian's Virgin Conquest (eBook)

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€ 15,90
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474068611
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Dive into the world of romance with this four book collection… The Secret Heir of Alazar by Kate Hewitt One stolen night with the Sultan… Virginal Gracie Jones longs for adventure – and one incredible evening in Rome, she finds it in the arms of charismatic Malik al Bahjat. But morning reveals he’s next in line to Alazar’s throne! Driven away by his royal family, Gracie discovers too late that their forbidden night left her pregnant… When Malik learns the truth a decade later, he explodes back into Gracie’s life. He sweeps her from her small hometown to his splendid kingdom where, kiss by scorching kiss, he’s intent on legitimising his heir – and satisfying his cravings – by crowning Gracie his desert queen! Crowned for the Drakon Legacy by Tara Pammi Claiming his one-night heir He may have craved her for a decade, but one exquisite night with Mia Rodriguez is all Nikandros Drakos, the Daredevil Prince of Drakon, will allow himself. It’s time to face his home country and the duty he’s denied for so long. But when their sizzling liaison leads to an unexpected pregnancy, Nik won’t rest until his child is part of the Drakon legacy. Their affair was supposed to burn up along with their chemistry but now, to claim his heir, Nik must make unruly Mia both his bride – and his princess! His Mistress with Two Secretsby Dani Collins Pregnant with the billionaire’s babies! After the painfully public demise of her intense fling with renowned tycoon, Henri Sauveterre, Cinnia Whitley discovers she’s pregnant…with twins! Cinnia burns with the memory of his touch, but bearing a new generation of the Sauveterre dynasty will bind her to Henri forever—unless she keeps it a secret… Henri is infuriated when he discovers Cinnia’s deception. His little sister’s abduction ended all intention of having a family—but any Sauveterre deserves his full protection. Henri must make Cinnia his wife, and he’ll show her just how pleasurable their reunion can be! The Argentinian's Virgin Conquest by Bella Francis His most tempting conquest! Lucinda Bond might be descended from English nobility, but her aloofness hides painful insecurities. Painful enough that she’s never allowed herself to be touched. Then Dante Hermida sweeps her from the Caribbean Sea, mistakenly thinking she’s drowning, and suddenly Lucie finds herself in the arms of Argentina’s most outrageous playboy! His arrogance challenges her boundaries, but his caressing gaze ignites a desperate desire… Despite Lucie’s defiant façade, soon Dante has her utterly at his sensual command! But after discovering Lucie’s innocence this dark-hearted Argentinian finds himself longing to claim her…with a need that shows no sign of abating!