Modern Romance December 2016 Books 5-8: A Royal Vow of Convenience / The Desert King's Secret Heir / Married for the Sheikh's Duty / Surrendering to the Vengeful Italian (eBook)

Modern Romance December 2016 Books 5-8: A Royal Vow of Convenience / The Desert King's Secret Heir / Married for the Sheikh's Duty / Surrendering to the Vengeful Italian (eBook)

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€ 15,90
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474064774
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Four Passionate Modern Romances all in One Bundle A Royal Vow of Convenience His Princess under the covers… The whirr of helicopter blades announcing the return of her new boss, sends Sophie scurrying back to the kitchen. Little did she know that fleeing from royal scrutiny would place her under the devastatingly searing gaze of notorious billionaire Rafe Carter. Having resisted his cook for days, a secret midnight swim sends Rafe’s senses into overdrive and he can’t resist a taste of the forbidden. But the press descend when Sophie’s identity is shockingly revealed, and Rafe is duty bound to rescue the beautiful Princess… with a convenient vow. The Desert King's Secret Heir The child she hid… Surrounded by society’s glitterati, Arden Wills finds herself staring up into the eyes of her first and only love. But Sheikh Idris Baddour has a surprise title and heavy responsibilities… so she clings to her precious secret even tighter. Time has done nothing to dampen the intense ardour between them. And when their kiss is blasted across the world’s front pages Arden’s truth comes to light – the sheikh has a secret son! To avoid further scandal, Idris must legitimize his heir and make English Rose Arden his dutiful desert queen! Married for the Sheikh's Duty The playboy Sheikh’s last temptation… Thanks to a recent scandalous expose, the damage to Sheikh Zayn Al-Ghamdi’s reputation is threatening his family’s future. So when fiercely independent Amalia Christensen has the gall to blackmail him with further ruination to ensure her innocent brother’s freedom, Zayn choses to keep his enemies close… and make Amalia his temporary fiancée! Zayn’s only duty is to his country. He can’t allow himself any emotional ties. But the hunger Amalia unleashes in him, soon tempts the playboy Sheikh to take their relationship from business to the bedroom… Surrendering to the Vengeful Italian One step from surrender For seven years, formidable Leo Vincenti has planned his vengeance on Douglas Shaw and nothing will stop him. Not even Shaw’s stunning, but treacherous daughter, Helena who – right now – is pleading for leniency. Grim satisfaction spreads through him as he knows she would willingly never take up his challenge to return to his side. But he has greatly underestimated Helena. Secrets drive her as if the very devil were on her heels. And suddenly the passion that left them undone years before is forcing them both to the brink of surrender…