Modern Romance November 2016 Books 1-4: Di Sione's Virgin Mistress / Snowbound with His Innocent Temptation / The Italian's Christmas Child / A Diamond for Del Rio's Housekeeper (eBook)

Modern Romance November 2016 Books 1-4: Di Sione's Virgin Mistress / Snowbound with His Innocent Temptation / The Italian's Christmas Child / A Diamond for Del Rio's Housekeeper (eBook)

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€ 15,90
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474063661
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Four Passionate Modern Romances all in One Bundle Di Sione’s Virgin Mistress “I have the tiara you want and you have to pay for it.” Dante Di Sione could forgive the beautiful blonde he kissed in the airport lounge for accidentally taking the suitcase with his grandfather’s precious tiara in it. But then she has the nerve to blackmail him into accompanying her to her sister’s wedding! So when news of their supposed engagement breaks, Dante takes his revenge and ensures that Willow play the part of his loving wife-to-be to the full. Only he has no idea that Willow has faked all that bold confidence… and is a virgin! Snowbound with his Innocent Temptation From festive fling… When heartbroken Becky Shaw retreats to the Cotswolds for Christmas, she expects to be warming herself in front of a fire, not in the arms of gorgeous Italian billionaire Theo Rushing. As a snowstorm rages outside, indoors the temperature starts to rise… …to fake fiancée! It was meant to be a holiday fling, until Theo reveals he needs a fake fiancée, and sweeps Becky away to Italy and his luxurious world. To protect her heart she agreed to a ‘relationship’ in name only, but as the chemistry between them crackles, how long before Theo and Becky pass the point of no return The Italian’s Christmas Child A Christmas Consequence Italian tycoon Vito Zaffari is waiting out the festive season while a family scandal fades from the press. So he’s come to his friend’s snow covered English country cottage, determined to shut out the world. Until a beautiful bombshell dressed as Santa literally crashes into his Christmas! Innocent Holly Cleaver sneaks under Vito’s defences – he wants her like no other before and decides he must have her. When Vito finds her gone the next day, he’s sure she’ll be easy to forget…until he discovers that their one night of passion has a shocking Christmas consequence! A Diamond for Del Rio’s Housekeeper The housekeeper’s proposition… When half his inheritance is left to his aunt’s housekeeper, English orphan Rosie Clifton, Spanish aristocrat Don Xavier Del Rio is determined to claim what’s rightfully his. So when Rosie surprises him with a marriage proposal Xavier sees a way to get everything he wants…including Rosie in his bed! Rosie will do anything to protect her home on the Isla Del Rey—even marry Xavier! She’ll provide him with an heir in exchange for him leaving the untouched beauty of the island intact. But can she trust her charming new husband—or his devastating kiss?