Reflection: A gripping and moving story of small town secrets from the Sunday Times bestselling author (eBook)

Reflection: A gripping and moving story of small town secrets from the Sunday Times bestselling author (eBook)

Diane Chamberlain
Diane Chamberlain
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Review
Codice EAN: 9781472271372
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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' What if the person you trusted most was HIDING something from you? __________ Totally powerful and beautifully written. I love Diane's writing' Cathy Kelly 'I completely LOVED this book' Jane Green __________ A classic gripping read from the Sunday Times bestselling author, of intrigue and buried secrets... Held responsible for the terrible tragedy of September 1973, Rachel Huber knows her return to the small Pennsylvania town of Reflection, twenty years after she left, is not at all welcome. Time may have moved on but the town's opinion of Rachel has not. People continue to blame her for her part in that day's horrific events and, having returned to look after her grandmother, it suits Rachel to keep herself to herself. But Reflection is a town where secrets shimmer beneath the surface, and Rachel's arrival acts as a catalyst for long-buried truths to come to light... __________ Unlock the secrets you'll love to discover with Diane Chamberlain, the storyteller beloved of readers everywhere: 'An excellent read that will be loved by her fans and anyone who enjoys reading' Jodi Picoult 'Incredibly moving story, rich in character and atmosphere. I couldn't put it down' Susan Lewis 'With beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end' Stylist 'Chamberlain puts so much grit, emotion and drama into her books that it's impossible to stop thinking about them' Heat 'Gripping' Woman & Home 'Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans' Daily Mail __________ REAL READERS LOVE REFLECTION 'I loved this book - I truly lived and breathed in it ? ? ? ? ?' REAL READER 'Diane Chamberlain is a master at feeding little nuggets of the story, secrets unfold slowly and tantalisingly ? ? ? ? ?' REAL READER **'**I didn't want to put this book down ? ? ? ? ?' REAL READER **'**I was truly captivated by this novel ? ? ? ? ?' REAL READER 'You must read this book ? ? ? ? ?' REAL READER