In the Tudor Court Collection: Ransom Bride / The Pirate's Willing Captive / One Night in Paradise / A Most Unseemly Summer / A Sinful Alliance / A Notorious Woman / His Runaway Maiden / Pirate's Daughter, Rebel Wife (eBook)

In the Tudor Court Collection: Ransom Bride / The Pirate's Willing Captive / One Night in Paradise / A Most Unseemly Summer / A Sinful Alliance / A Notorious Woman / His Runaway Maiden / Pirate's Daughter, Rebel Wife (eBook)

€ 34,52
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€ 34,52
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781472094506
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
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8 ravishing Tudor romances that will transport you to another world of rakes, outlaws and pirates. Outlaw in the Tudor Court Ransom Bride Once a galley slave, now a Venetian merchant prince, Lorenzo Santorini has sworn revenge on his captor. Until English beauty Kathryn Rowlands appeals for help in finding a friend lost to pirates and Lorenzo struggles to maintain his cool detachment. For Kathryn stirs deep feelings he had long forgotten and now he must take drastic steps to protect her from his sworn enemy… The Pirate’s Willing Captive Captive on the high seas by pirate Captain Justin Sylvester, with nowhere to run, Maribel Sanchez had never felt more at liberty. For if she returned to rigid Tudor Society she’d become an old man’s unwilling bride. If she remained with Justin, he’d made it abundantly clear, she would become his more than willing mistress. Libertine in the Tudor Court One Night in Paradise Though Queen Elizabeth I’s court at Richmond was a hotbed of illicit liaisons, beautiful Adorna Pickering remained unscathed. Yet the one man she couldn’t resist had a reputation blacker than sin. And though Adorna didn’t want to be just another easy conquest, she’d willingly forsake everything she held dear for one night in Sir Nicholas Rayne’s arms… A Most Unseemly Summer Capable and determined Lady Felice has had to learn how to take care of herself. So she is shocked when the surveyor of her family’s new home, Sir Leon Gascelin, forces her to accept him as her temporary guardian. Is it to stop tongues wagging because they reside under the same roof? Or has she deliberately been sent to this dangerously attractive gentleman to be well and truly tamed? Notorious in the Tudor Court A Sinful Alliance Daughter of a courtesan and a lord, Marguerite was forced to fend for herself in the dangerous world of French nobility—as the king's most feared spy. Sent on a mission to the court of King Henry VIII, Marguerite found her only friend was her old enemy, the sensually tempting Nicolai Ostrovsky. And their sinful alliance seemed set to turn her from old loyalties to new desires! A Notorious Woman Beautiful perfumer, Julietta Bassano hides her secrets from the light of day, selling rose water and essence of violet rather than taking her rightful place in Venetian society. Until the seductive Marc Velasquez enters her world. But in the city of masks, plots spiral around Marc and Julietta—schemes that will endanger their lives and their growing love… Maiden in the Tudor Court His Runaway Maiden Escaping her cruel stepmother, Rosamund Appleby heads in disguise for London…until she is halted by Baron Alex Nilsson! He seeks to protect her as they journey together. But when Alex, who trusts no woman, finds himself conveniently married to beautiful Rosamund, he doesn’t know which is more treacherous: the enemies plotting his downfall or the seductive lure of a woman in his bed… Pirate’s Daughter, Rebel Wife When Captain Henry Mariner rescues a lone and vulnerable maiden from the sea, he has good reason to feel guilty about placing her in such a precarious predicament. But despite Bridget McDonald’s reserve toward him, he knows there is no other option. The only way to protect her life – and her virtue – is to marry her!