Fiori D'Arancio (eBook)

Fiori D'Arancio (eBook)

Roberto Bracco
Roberto Bracco
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: it
Editore: Library of Alexandria
Codice EAN: 9781465545695
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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The subject of this little memoir was so well known to her neighbours, and to the many young persons with whom she associated, that I have felt sure a short account of her would not be unacceptable to them. They knew her quiet, virtuous, consistent, pious walk, and they will, I am sure, bear witness, that I do not over-state the blameless character which she maintained. This, as it was an example to Others, so it must be a cause of heartfelt rejoicing to her friends now that she has finished her course, and entered into her rest. To Others, this little history may have its use. It is not the account of a person of unusual powers of mind, or of attainment; nor of one placed in extraordinary circumstances, although she was blessed with pious parents, who watchfully instructed her in the truths of Religion, as well as taught her by their example. She had only the advantages which many young persons in every village and town possess, nor did she attain to any situation in life, which multitudes may not aspire to. But she gained a deep and well-grounded feeling of Religion. She learned the evil nature of her heart. She discovered and gained that treasure, which is revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. She laid hold by faith on his merits. She was taught of the Holy Spirit; and the graces of the Spirit were in an eminent degree manifested in her life. She by the same power acquired the adorning of the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of the Lord of great price. She followed in the simple training of the ministry of the Church: neither seeking to wander from its pastures, nor exercising any want of charity towards those who differed from her, one of whom, attached to another denomination of Christians, her only surviving sister, and nearest friend, was her constant companion; with her she lived in perfect unity of Spirit. Her circumstances then had nothing in them out of the ordinary course of human life.