Changing Histories for KS3: Connected Worlds, c.1000–c.1600 (eBook)

Changing Histories for KS3: Connected Worlds, c.1000–c.1600 (eBook)

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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Hodder Education
Codice EAN: 9781398307162
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Change the history that pupils learn at Key Stage 3. Reframe familiar topics, discover forgotten stories and amplify unheard voices. Through an evocative, story-based approach, this ground-breaking course brings together historical scholarship and enquiry, presenting a truly diverse, inclusive and ambitious history curriculum. This is the history we owe to our pupils. This is the past for today and tomorrow. > Establish a strong foundation of British history. A clear, chronological spine underpins each book, empowering pupils with the knowledge they need to understand, question or disrupt national narratives. > Journey far beyond Britain. Move between local and global, between small details and wider developments, as the books blend depth and overview, expanding pupils' knowledge of people, places and events around the world and the links between them. > Use the power of story to transform your teaching. Captivated by vivid, intriguing narratives, pupils will remember more than they ever have before. See their literacy improve as they encounter a wide vocabulary in context, become immersed in rich, quality texts, and enjoy hearing the book read aloud or reading it themselves. > Teach a diverse curriculum with confidence. Gender, class, race and religion are treated with sensitivity and sophistication, intrinsically woven into the content to create perspective on social, economic, religious and political history. > Stay up to date with historical scholarship. The authors have undertaken extensive reading, so every chapter is informed by current research from historians such as Helen Castor, Ruby Lal and Toby Green. > Deliver the aspirational curriculum that Ofsted expects. The course embodies the requirements for scope, coherence, rigour and sequencing. The Changing Histories curriculum is a progression model. Skills and knowledge are built systematically across each lesson sequence and new material makes sense to pupils because of the content covered earlier. > Trust a meticulously planned approach. Each 'enquiry' chapter helps pupils to shape an extended answer to the overarching question, with carefully paced 'steps' that support pupils in processing substantive knowledge. Shorter 'story summary' chapters keep narratives moving in between the enquiries. > Benefit from some of the best minds in history education. Leaders in history curriculum, practice, research and debate, the authors have poured their expertise into every page, making quality history accessible to all.