Sizzling Desires : Menage MFM Romance Collection (eBook)

Sizzling Desires : Menage MFM Romance Collection (eBook)

Wade Cara Lewis Anna Lane Terri 
Wade Cara Lewis Anna Lane Terri 
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Naughty Books Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393991632
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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SIZZLING HOT MENAGE MFM ROMANCE COLLECTION : 3 STANDALONE BOOKS IN ONE. No cliffhanger. Guaranteed HEA. Taken by the Aliens Young, beautiful Tessa Sealand goes into space to find adventure. As a stowaway in a space carrier she is apprehended as soon as she reaches Station One, on the farthest Edge of human known space. She is arrested and put into the brig. From there things can only go up. Released from the brig and working at a lowly perfume stall, she becomes embroiled in an altercation that threatens the security of Station One, and could have intergalactic repercussions! When it starts looking like dangerous terrorists are trying to kill her she has the bad timing to fall in love with not one, but two aliens! She had not been looking for love, but cannot help how she feels. As the danger deepens and her relationship with the two aliens deepens, she begins to wonder whether she will live to explore the new reaches of her heart. Well, Tessa has always believed that space is filled with possibilities. She now has possibilities! For Their Pleasure When two of New York City's richest men approach her with the proposition of a lifetime, she can't say no. Tiana is a waitress. She longs for something more. One day, two of her customers make her an offer she can't refuse—date both of them, and they will sweep her off of her feet. Owned by the Dragons She's found love in all the wrong places. Now, she'll find it two-fold. Samara comes from a long line of powerful witches. She is a Necromancer, one who can summon the Dead. When she finds out that Lex, her demon-shifter boyfriend is plotting to use her powers to dominate both the Living and the Dead, she is sent by the High Priestess of her coven to hide out in a small town in the middle of the desert. There she stays with Dora, an empath who runs a Bed and Breakfast. While there, she meets two male dragon shifters, best friends since the Dark Ages. As Samara seeks a way to stop Lex, she finds herself falling deeply in love with both of them. Meanwhile, Lex will stop at nothing to find Samara and bend her to his will.