Alien Desire : Scifi Alien Romance Collection (eBook)

Alien Desire : Scifi Alien Romance Collection (eBook)

Emma Taylor
Emma Taylor
€ 6,49
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€ 6,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Emma Taylor
Codice EAN: 9781393959892
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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Alien's Mail Order Queen When 30-year-old yoga instructor Freya Reece finds herself buried in debt, she did not have any choice but to sell her mother's old studio and move to a strange planet for a hard-to-resist job offer. But upon arriving at Planet Tryptin, she is shocked to discover that she was actually attending her own wedding—to become the new queen! Not only was she supposed to pretend to be a queen, but she had to be a wife to King Zaino too who was handsome but was totally obnoxious. Was the high-paying job, impressive title, and luxurious lifestyle worth all the stress and agony? Eventually, Freya decides to finally find a way to escape and get back to Earth. But when she glimpses of the king's gentle, caring side, her mixed feelings get in the way. Furthermore, as she teaches yoga to the palace workers and the planet's alien warriors, she begins to develop a heart for this new world. Will she choose freedom over love and her newfound home? And is the love worth fighting for in the first place? Alien Queen Ten years have passed since Jessica had lost her husband during The Flare--- a blaze of fire that had quickly enveloped the entire earth in an explosion of brightness, designed to aid in the attack of the Xantrax Clan which is an alliance of evil aliens from different planets. Since then, she hasn't opened her heart again to anyone, not even to her close friend Rob who's been openly expressing his romantic feelings for her. Vestix Warriors, sworn enemies of the Xantrax Clan, have lost their planet in the process of helping humans and have since lived on earth to work with the military in protecting the earth. When good-looking alien soldier 1X57VTZ, whom Jessica nicknames One, gets assigned to work with her on a school security project, she couldn't believe her bad luck. To make it even worse, he is also tasked to protect her 24/7 from an evil alien who's out to make her his queen! Will living together and seeing One's humane side finally make Jessica fall in love again? And will One actually choose her and fulfill her dream of building a family over his military ambition and pledged duty to protect the earth? Alien Mate Amanda Starling has the life she wants. She is a successful business woman and colonist on the planet Candlee. It is the perfect payback for her parents who call her fat and are embarrassed that she wants to live her life on her own terms. Perfect that is until the invasion happens. The Tulians are a non-violent race that suddenly and inexplicably take over the nearest planet to Candlee and threaten Amanda's perfect existence. All of a sudden nothing makes sense to her, especially why she would befriend a fugitive Tulian, while on the run from her own Federation Military. Suddenly she in on the run with Bolan the fugitive Tulian, having to go into hiding with him to stay alive. Things become even more confusing for Amanda as she falls in love with her fugitive. Trapped in their hideaway by surrounding troops, she embraces her love without knowing if this will doom her or save her!