Office Sins: An Employee/Employer, Insta-Love Erotic Romance Short Story: An Erotic Short Story (eBook)

Office Sins: An Employee/Employer, Insta-Love Erotic Romance Short Story: An Erotic Short Story (eBook)

Alexia Chase
Alexia Chase
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Alexia Chase
Codice EAN: 9781393307587
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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An over-the-top, insta-love, employee-employer erotic short story with heart! This story is told from a first person and Dual POV. Leah He's my boss, and he has a strict no mixing business with pleasure policy. I can't stop thinking about him. Once he leaves for the night, I make a dirty decision, and he catches me in the act. What could be worse than being caught in a compromising position? Nothing. Now, I'm typing up my resignation letter and dusting off my resume. Aaron She's my employee, and I have a strict no mixing business with pleasure policy. No one has ever tempted me to break my rule. Until Leah. All I can picture when I go home at night is her red bottomed stilettos, and her delicious curves. Then, one night I catch her in a compromising position. On my office couch no less. What's a guy to do? This story features graphic depictions of explicit sexual acts and is intended for 18+ readers only. All characters depicted are over the age of 18.Be prepared for dirty words and even dirtier sex. Enter at your own risk. Do you like to feel the rapid heartbeat and fluttering butterflies of falling in love? Then, click "buy" now! You won't be disappointed. What troupes are your favorite? This book includes: insta-love, employee/employer relationship, friends to lovers, and dirty sex. What more could you want? No cheating. No cliffhanger. And a guaranteed happy ever after. This story features graphic depictions of explicit sexual acts and is intended for 18+ readers only. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. Be prepared for dirty words and even dirtier sex. Enter at your own risk. 5,000 words. My name is Alexia Chase. I specialize in quick, dirty, and sweet short stories and novellas. I write for busy working mothers who admire and acquire books that provide the full escape of a novel but don't have a lot of time. More importantly, I offer insta-love, smutty sex, and swoon-worthy moments that will leave you with a flushed face and a giddy smile. Quick – pray no one is watching and wondering what in the hell is wrong with you because no one else looks that happy. People who have read my books have the following to say: "This insta-love story is extremely funny, a quick read and just filled with so much good and filthy stuff. I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone that likes Alexia Chase or is just thinking about picking one of her books up for the first time. Just make sure you are reading this where you can laugh out loud and get a crimson face when you read the erotic sex scenes." LF Books & "I've read a lot of books written by Alexia Chase; she has done a great job at writing another good short story; she is one of my favorite authors. I can't wait to read more of her books." Jeanne Richardson My writing gives busy women that sixty-minute escape they need when they can't afford a trip to the Caribbean with their secret lover, Dimitri. My Soul Sisters don't even have time to get away from the kids to take a shower. Quick. Dirty. Sweet. Alexia Chase