Secret Diaries : Menage Romance Collection (eBook)

Secret Diaries : Menage Romance Collection (eBook)

Blaine Kelsey Lewis Anna Cole Sandra 
Blaine Kelsey Lewis Anna Cole Sandra 
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Naughty Books Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393209133
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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STEAMY HOT MENAGE ROMANCE COLLECTION : 3 STANDALONE BOOKS IN ONE. No cliffhanger. Guaranteed HEA. A True Billionaire's Heart 32-year-old Tasha Winters may have been devastated over her failed relationship, but her broken heart isn't enough to stop her from pursuing her dreams and perhaps finding love and happiness again. After closing a deal with young billionaire, Bret Walton, for her web development company, she was ecstatic. Having recently taken over his father's real estate empire, he was currently one of the most eligible bachelors of America. Tasha just hit the jackpot: a major boost in her business and a gorgeous lover in one! Bret woos and inspires her big-time, but doesn't seem to be interested in a real commitment. Meanwhile, another powerful and handsome billionaire arrives in town to expand his global retail business, hiring Tasha's company as well. Unlike Bret, Carter Crawford prefers to keep a low profile because of a dark past. He's smart and serious, and happens to be the ex-boyfriend who left Tasha eight years ago without any explanation. However, despite his betrayal, Tasha finds herself still immensely affected by his presence. Just when she and Carter start to rekindle the romance, Bret surprises her with a marriage proposal. Will she choose the man who has shown her nothing but kindness but may have a hidden agenda or the man she's known and loved who has caused her tremendous pain? Two Alien Lovers Polina Marsh has been stuck in a dead end job as a Junior Ambassador for the Intergalactic Alliance for over a decade. She's all but given up on adventure and excitement, when an alien diplomat from an embargoed planet begs her for a secret rendezvous. She knows that she should say no, but Polina isn't one to turn down a mysterious meeting, especially one with a shockingly attractive alien ambassador and his rough around the edges pilot. Things don't go according to plan and Polina finds herself stranded with the two aliens on a distant, forgotten moon. As the true nature of the mission is revealed, Polina finds herself torn between the diplomat and his pilot. Polina needs to follow her heart, which is hard to do when the future of the galaxy could be at stake. When Three Become One When Autumn is presented with the modeling deal of a lifetime, she quits her job on the spot. But she found more than a luscious career—she found love…