Her Protector : Bodyguard Romance Collection (eBook)

Her Protector : Bodyguard Romance Collection (eBook)

Lewis Anna Lane Terri 
Lewis Anna Lane Terri 
€ 5,49
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€ 5,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Naughty Books Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393136675
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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STEAMY HOT BODYGUARD ROMANCE COLLECTION : 4 STANDALONE BOOKS IN ONE. No cliffhanger. Guaranteed HEA. Big Bad Bodyguard Raven Everybody has that one thing that they had always wanted to try, that one experience that they knew they didn't want to leave earth without getting, mine was having a white dude f**k me until I was too weak to walk. The white dude in question came in the form of my hot sexy bodyguard, he may be intent on guarding me from harm's way, but I wondered who was going to guard him from my way. Every time we are in the same room, my skin tingles with anticipation, gone were the days where the woman sat back meekly and waited for the man to do the courting, I was determined to seduce this tall glass of strong, hard-looking, sexy milk. Jet I hadn't counted on my last job as a bodyguard being this interesting. When I first met the hot caramel beauty who's safety I was entrusted with, she told me she wanted me with her eyes, and tried to seduce me with her body, I had known—even if I had refused to admit it to myself— that she was going to be more to me than just a quick f**k. So now I have two options, stay away, or let things play out as they may. Cyborg Heart Sometimes being broken makes you come back stronger! Reilly MacAllister is a scientist that has just made a breakthrough that will change the world forever. To her shock, this makes her a prime target in a sudden, brutal alien invasion of the Earth. With Maksim, a rough-edged, cybernetically-enhanced mercenary to protect her, she must do whatever it takes to escape the rapidly advancing alien forces so she can get her all-important data into the right hands. Can she survive the ruin of America's capital? Is there still a chance to save herself and humanity? And which is truly the greater danger, the inhuman hordes or the fascinating darkness she sees lurking beneath her bodyguard's eyes? Bodyguard of Love Samantha had never expected to fall for her personal bodyguard, Harvey. Their love could be the most healing she's ever experienced—but his secret might just destroy them. Hailed as one of the greatest pop singers of her generation, Samantha Miles seems to have it all. It's through her music that she reaches out to fans, offers them hope, and entertains them with a vivacious passion unlike any other artist. Her rise to fame is marked by a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, music awards, and multiple record deal offers from America to the UK. Although immensely wealthy, Samantha finds herself vulnerable at the hands of an obsessed fan who tries to harm her. She's left traumatized after the ordeal and hires a bodyguard, Harvey Chandler, to protect her from any future threats to her life. But the most challenging part of her life won't be recovering from her traumatic nightmare—it's resisting the handsome Harvey who has vowed to protect her. Will she succumb to her emotions and break their professional contract or ignore her desire to be happy for the first time in years?