Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint (eBook)

Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint (eBook)

Richard Conner
Richard Conner
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Lingua: en
Editore: Richard Conner
Collana: Work Life Wide Open
Codice EAN: 9781386828556
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Sick and tired of the endless, meaningless drudgery? Are you done with the relentless Busy Work that consumes your days, evenings, and weekends? Crave space, time, flexibility, and freedom to do the Real Work you want to do when you want to do it? ? If you've read 'Repurpose Your Life - Master The Seven Works' you've already read this book. Longing to spend more time with your family and friends? Without being, thinking, and feeling like you should be elsewhere, working all the hours God sends? Life without purpose, no matter how much money you have, robbed of time, energy, and enthusiasm to embrace the inherent magnificent glory of it, is no life at all. Get to the subtle root of Why the life you're following is not your own. The Seven Works is a simple, flexible work-life-change blueprint tailored to your unique life context and life content. It shows you how to lead the way to do more of what you love and less of what you don't with significantly reduced inner and outer life conflict. Master it and you'll enjoy the time, energy, clarity, passion, and motivation to always do what matters to you most, spiritually, personally, at home with family, at work, and in your business. In Facets of Life you'll learn how to: Eliminate stress, anxiety and overwhelm Synchronise your life's work to serve you Make time to change your life Achieve more by doing less Focus on what matters to you most Be more productive, efficient and effective Stop procrastination for good Consistently reach your goals Step beyond work-life balance conflict Nurture greater peace of mind and body Supercharge your decision-making ability Enjoy more time and space to be creative Increase your clarity, confidence, and creative freedom Maintain a creative state of flow no matter what's happening Overcome that 'I don't know what to do with my life' problem Increase your clarity, confidence, freedom Know your purpose in life and the moment Become increasingly more purpose-driven in life Navigate transformational change like a ninja Work on your life instead of just in it Improve and deepen your relationships Connect to your self and your Real Work ? If you've read 'Repurpose Your Life - Master The Seven Works' you've already read this book.