Urgent Need for Romantics in This Modern World (eBook)

Urgent Need for Romantics in This Modern World (eBook)

Alexandia Sirivus
Alexandia Sirivus
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Alexandia Sirivus
Codice EAN: 9781386811022
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Urgent Need for Romantics in This Modern World is a life manual that looks at the modern world as it is and explores the need for Romantic philosophy. It is worth noting that the Romantics or Romanticism does not refer to romantic love or romance. Rather, it is a movement and time where there were great advances and creations in literature, music, and the arts. It was a time when the arts flourished and the emotions or feelings of man were given more importance than logical thinking. The approximate origin of the Romantic Movement can be traced back to around 1770 up to the end of the 18th century. It can be traced back in Europe, but it is said that the movement and its ideas quickly spread to other nations. There is also a theory that the ideas of the Romantic Movement Today, perhaps there are still some Romantics at heart scattered over the Earth. The Romantic Movement was a revolution against the Enlightenment Movement or the Era of Reason. During the time when human reasoning and logic were given so much importance, it also paved a way for many things like technology, competition, industrialization, and commercialism, among others. Although these things offered something good, the Romantics saw the many evils that they carried as part of the "developments" that they proposed, which the world accepted. Urgent Need for Romantics in This Modern World is an examination of our life today and a study on how we can apply the Romantic ideas to make life better. It is not a secret that so many people are stressed out and depressed today than ever. In fact, being stressed out has not become a usual thing. If you are not stressed, then perhaps you are not doing enough in the competition, or so they say. But, such is an evil that kills the soul and divides humanity — it was one of the many evils that the early Romantics foresaw and tried to prevent, but the people have always been too greedy in their pursuit of technology and development at the expense of the lives of the people. If you feel that the Romantic in you relates to what you have just read, then this is the life manual for you. It is not too late to rekindle the Romantic Movement. In fact, there is more urgency (even an emergency) to rekindle the Romantic Movement than it was years ago, since the modern world has been destroying humanity for many years now, and they are doing it in more ways than they did during the time of the Romantic Era. This is exactly the nightmare that the Romantics were trying to prevent. It is either we let the modern world destroy what remains of humanity or we rise and revolt against the evils of this world.