Transform Your Habit, Transform Your Life: Be the Person You Were Always Meant To Be (eBook)

Transform Your Habit, Transform Your Life: Be the Person You Were Always Meant To Be (eBook)

John S. Lawson
John S. Lawson
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: John S. Lawson
Codice EAN: 9781386635062
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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Steer Your Own Ship, Take Back Control, & Eliminate The Procrastination that Has Been Holding You Back From Attaining Your Goals --- One Habit At A Time Is your life a constant cycle of bad habits and bad decisions that you can't seem to curb? Be it in exercise, food consumption, cleanliness, or your overall goals? Do you have trouble with procrastination and of performing the tasks required of you every single day? And are you filled with feelings of guilt and self-hate as a result of being unable to fulfill the goals you have set out to achieve? What if I told you that there was a simple way in you can replace your bad habits with a healthy one that takes you 10 steps closer to your goals in a matter of minutes. A simple way in which triggers a mental switch in you, allowing you to perform the tasks you wish to perform with effortless energy. A simple way to overcome procrastination and turn that into a positive momentum and drive you towards the life you always wanted. Would that be something of value to you? In "Transform Your Habit, Transform Your Life", that is EXACTLY what you are going to receive. Never again would you have feelings of remorse, procrastination, and guilt with these actional steps that will take you where you want to go. DOWNLOAD: 'Transform Your Habit, Transform Your Life' You Will Learn - 50 Life Changing Tips To Unimaginable Wealth, Health, Success, And Happiness In This Proven Guide You Will Learn: Proven Strategies On How To Create New, Positive, And Powerful Habits In Your Life How To Strengthen Your Willpower to Overcome Temptations To Backslide How To Break A Bad Habit Effectively & Decisively What Are The Environmental Triggers of Bad Habits & How to Deal With Them How To Get An Accountability Partner To Help Keep You In Check Bonus Learn & Understand The Mechanism Behind What Causes A Habit The Do's and Don'ts of Breaking Habits Learn The Problems With New's Years Resolutions To Curb Bad Habits And Why They Don't Work You can make a change in your life today by making these small changes to your daily habits one step at a time. Take The Final Step Towards Your Success by Clicking the "Buy Now" Button At the Top of The Page Today.