Communication In Marriage: Isn't It Time To Finally End The Fighting? (eBook)

Communication In Marriage: Isn't It Time To Finally End The Fighting? (eBook)

J. S. Parker
J. S. Parker
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: J. S. Parker
Codice EAN: 9781386318361
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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You found the right one, you fell in love, and you got married. That is the pattern of how most couples to be. Tying the knot and saying "I Do" can be the most thrilling period of a couple's lives. What most couples do not anticipate however, is what happens after the honeymoon phase has ended and reality has kicked in full gear. It is very easy to assume that a marriage will be everlasting and unwavering. However in reality, a strong and passionate marriage requires some serious effort and commitment on the part of both individuals. This book is written with the sole purpose of bringing married couples closer together in their relationship with one another through the simple act of proper Communication. Whether or not you are about to get married, are in the early stages of marriage, or have been married for decades, this book aims to bring you key takeaways that will bring your marriage closer and more intimate than ever before. You will be inspired to utilise these simple yet very powerful keys that could potentially unlock a new level in your relationship. Do not make the mistake that most couples make and start picking up these keys to communication and using them like they were always meant to be used. I would also like to offer a challenge to you to be one of those special individuals that serve as a catalyst towards a better marriage for you and your spouse. Whether you and your spouse are facing communication barriers, boredom with each other, staleness in marriage, or even a less than exciting sex-life, this book will address them HEAD-ON and turn those problems into incredible opportunities. If you resonate at all with any of the above points, you have definitely found the best place to start exploring and achieving a transformed, intimate, and passion-filled marriage.