Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Guide To Managing Depression, Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts With Highly Effective Tips and Tricks for Rewiring Your Brain and Overcoming Phobias (eBook)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Guide To Managing Depression, Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts With Highly Effective Tips and Tricks for Rewiring Your Brain and Overcoming Phobias (eBook)

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Zen Mastery
Codice EAN: 9781386071990
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts with the use of various techniques that relate to how your mind operates. Through this book, you will learn about the unconscious and conscious parts of your mind. You will know the factors that make people tick so that you can get along with them better, as well as improve the quality of your life. You will also learn how your spirituality can help you fight anxious thoughts and stress. You will discover the connection between your spirituality and the way you seek treatment or manage your life. Likewise, you will learn how you can effectively deal with anxiety as well as challenge intrusive thoughts that hold you back. You will also learn the connection between your anxiety and your behavior. What's more, you will learn about the ways on how you can improve your relationship with yourself, as well as pointers on how you can finally get rid of your negative habits and replace them with positive ones. Furthermore, you will be given a guide that can help you manage your life properly so that you can live your life to the fullest. If you want to be a happier, healthier, and more productive person, you should read this book right away. It will surely improve the way you think and act. So, what are you still waiting for? Start reading and learning. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Read... Understand What Makes Your Mind Tick See The Link Between Spirituality and Self-Help Confront Anxiety Head-On! Challenge Unhelpful, Intrusive Thoughts Build A Better Relationship With Yourself Break Bad Habits and Enjoy Life Optimal Life Management And much, much more! Download your copy today! Take action today and download this book now!