Manipulation: Mastery - How to Master Manipulation, Mind Control and NLP (eBook)

Manipulation: Mastery - How to Master Manipulation, Mind Control and NLP (eBook)

James Ryan
James Ryan
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Ryan James
Collana: Manipulation Series
Codice EAN: 9781386007999
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Manipulation Series Book #2 Manipulation Mastery: How to Master Manipulation, Mind Control, and NLP is the second, follow up book in the series of Manipulation: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Manipulation, Mind Control, and NLP. While the first book introduced you to these tactics, described what they were, and how they are applied, within the pages of this book, you will learn the more advanced, often subtle, and mastery levels of these manipulation techniques. In this second book, you will find: What characteristics and traits to be wary of in any new relationship that every master manipulator possesses How to recognize and master even the subtlest manipulation maneuvers used by master manipulators Different NLP models, and how manipulators apply these techniques in everyday applications Mind Control techniques every master of persuasion uses to achieve their desired outcomes in life, and how to protect against them The most common characteristics manipulators look for to spot an easy target, and how to not fall victim What locations offer manipulators the most cover, and provide more targets to practice their skills on, these are places you should always be on guard Learning and understanding the basics in the first book has opened your eyes to the possibilities. In this follow up book, you will learn advanced skills and techniques to guide you in being able to identify a manipulator with greater ease, see how manipulators try win every argument and debate soundly, and also how they manipulate the thought patterns of others to align with their own opinions and desires. You will learn how master manipulators time their application of these skills, who manipulators think will make it easier for them to exert their influence over, and how master manipulators strive to convince one person, or an entire group of people. The possibilities are endless, you need only to practice your skills, and apply the techniques you will learn within these pages to your own life to become aware of the psychological warfare a master manipulator wishes to engage you and others in, and how to protect against these tactics. Grab your copy and start the journey of better understanding human psychology today!